Below is the announcement of the formation of the WBAI General Manager Search Committee, and below that is my critique of it.

Subject: [NewPacifica] WBAI GM Search Committee
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 15:12:38 -0500
From: Bob Lederer <>
To: Lyn Gerry <>, <>,,,

From: Leslie Cagan
Mailing-List: list
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 14:50:39 -0500
Subject: [WBAIcoord] WBAI GM Search Committee


On Tuesday, March 26th, several members of the WBAI Local Advisory Board and the three New Yorkers on the interim Pacifica National Board met to discuss the pulling together of the search committee needed for the general manager position which will soon be opening up at WBAI. Based on the guidelines adopted by the interim Pacifica National Board at their recent meeting in Los Angeles, the following was agreed to:


Local Advisory Board - 4 people
Paid Staff - 2 people
Non-paid Staff - 2 people
Program Director - 1 person
National Board member - 1 person
Representatives of Listeners Groups:
Concerned Friends of WBAI/NYC - 1 person
CF area groups in combination - 1 person
Pacifica Campaign - 1 person
Committee for Progressive Radio - 1 person
Coalition for a Democratic Pacifica - 1 person
Latino Interests Group - 1 person

The representatives from the non-LAB listener groups should be people who are not involved in another group. For instance, the Concerned Friends representative should not be someone who is part of the non-paid staff, or someone active in CPR, or in CDP. Also, we urge each group to make every effort to include persons of color, women and consider other diversity factors in the selection of its representative(s) to the committee.

We believe this will give us a good balance of listener groups (6 people), staff members (5 all together), the LAB (4 people), as well as representation from the National Board members in this area.

This is a large committee but we cannot let the size slow down the work. We hope everyone will be able to attend all of the meetings, but if not the process will have to keep moving forward.

b) MEETING DATE The full committee will have its first meeting on Wednesday, April 10th at 6:30 p.m. at WBAI. The committee will then decide on its meeting schedule.

c) WORK OF THE COMMITTEE Because this process is starting a little late we agreed that even before the meeting the notices that the job will be opening up should go out immediately. (In fact, as part of its work the Pacifica national office had already placed ads in several national publications.)

In addition to making sure that the notice of the job has gone out widely, the committee will: (1) review resumes, (2) select candidates for interviews, (3) make plans for more public discussion with the candidates and input from the various constituent parts of WBAI, and (4) narrow the field down to two or three finalists. These people will then be interviewed by Pacifica's executive director who will make the final decision.

My critique of this “process.”

Subject: [NewPacifica] Re: WBAI GM Search Committee -- is the fix in?
Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2002 03:00:26 -0500
From: "R. Paul Martin" <>
CC: Lyn Gerry <>,,,

Well, this doesn't look proper to me. Comments below.

Bob Lederer wrote:
> From: Leslie Cagan
> Mailing-List: list
> Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 14:50:39 -0500
> Subject: [WBAIcoord] WBAI GM Search Committee
> On Tuesday, March 26th, several members of the WBAI Local Advisory Board
> and the three New Yorkers on the interim Pacifica National Board met to
> discuss the pulling together of the search committee needed for the
> general manager position which will soon be opening up at WBAI. Based on
> the guidelines adopted by the interim Pacifica National Board at their
> recent meeting in Los Angeles, the following was agreed to:

Now didn't the iPNB say that they were going by the existing UE Contract? That Contract has a Letter of Understanding about the GM Search Committee: What's outlined below bears just about no resemblance to that.

> Local Advisory Board - 4 people

Previously it has been 3.

> Paid Staff - 2 people

Previously this had been 3.

> Non-paid Staff - 2 people

Previously this had been 3.

Now how are we choosing the two or three Paid Staff and the two or three Unpaid Staff people for this? In years past we ran an election. Nominations took three weeks and the elections went on for two or three weeks. The Paid and Unpaid Staff got to choose their representatives. If we don't ALL get to choose them then they're not representatives.

So this E-mail, which I'm hearing from others at the station they've not even heard about, comes out on Good Friday and the first meeting of the committee to choose the next WBAI GM is on April 10? So there's no way to even hold any election for the Paid and Unpaid Staff reps to this thing. That's only 7 business days between first notice to some people and the beginning of this thing.

> Program Director - 1 person

The Program director should not be a part of this committee.

> National Board member - 1 person

Why? The iPNB will get to do the actual hiring. Why do they get to recommend to themselves?

> Representatives of Listeners Groups:
> Concerned Friends of WBAI/NYC - 1 person

Owned and operated by the Management and some Staff of WBAI.

> CF area groups in combination - 1 person

See above.

> Pacifica Campaign - 1 person

Does this even still exist? This is something started by Juan Gonzalez and it employed various WBAI ex-Management for the time of its existence. Why does this little grouping get to have a seat on this committee?

> Committee for Progressive Radio - 1 person

A grouping that has serious ties to WBAI Management.

> Coalition for a Democratic Pacifica - 1 person

Not owned by Management, but, still, why?

> Latino Interests Group - 1 person

What group is this? Why is this one group singled out for a seat on this committee?

> ....
> We believe this will give us a good balance of listener groups (6
> people),

Mostly under the influence of WBAI Management.

> staff members (5 all together),

No, only 4, as opposed to the previous six. The PD is not Staff, the PD is Management. Doesn't the iPNB know this?
> the LAB (4 people),

As opposed to the three they used to have on this committee.

> as well as
> representation from the National Board members in this area.

Which never interfered with this committee this way in the past.

> This is a large committee but we cannot let the size slow down the work.
> We hope everyone will be able to attend all of the meetings, but if not
> the process will have to keep moving forward.
> The full committee will have its first meeting on Wednesday, April 10th
> at 6:30 p.m. at WBAI. The committee will then decide on its meeting
> schedule.

Again, having a committee that hasn't been formed yet decide on its first meeting date isn't seemly. Or have the members of this committee been selected by Management already?

> Because this process is starting a little late we agreed that even
> before the meeting the notices that the job will be opening up should go
> out immediately. (In fact, as part of its work the Pacifica national
> office had already placed ads in several national publications.)
> ....

Too bad such notice has not been given to the WBAI Staff.

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