August 3, 1999
Andrea Buffa 415-546-6334 x309
Mobile: 415-309-6334
Aileen Alfandary 510-644-3971
Legislators Add Support for Hearing on KPFA Lockout
BERKELEY, CA - KPFA staffers showed up at their boarded up station yesterday afternoon only to
be met with management's refusal to allow repair of the station's transmitter. Despite orders
to staff to return to the station by 2 pm Monday, only ten people were allowed in the building
because Pacifica has not yet repaired damage to the station that occurred during its watch of
the premises.
Pacifica executive director Lynn Chadwick refused to allow KPFA's transmitter to be repaired,
and staff questioned why they would be ordered back to work when Pacifica has not taken the
necessary steps to allow the station to broadcast. Armed guards still surround the station's
Berkeley hills transmitter. There will be a demonstration at noon, Tuesday August 3rd, at the
transmitter, in support of KPFA staff regaining access to the airwaves.
“Pacifica is saying the station is in our control,” said Media Alliance executive director
Andrea Buffa. “But Chadwick is still monitoring attendance, Pacifica's leadership is still
unaccountable to our community, and they could sell the station or shut it down again at any
time. We're tired of Pacifica saying one thing and doing another. We need to reform Pacifica
from the inside out so this doesn't happen again.”
15,000 people from up and down the West Coast attended a mass march and rally on behalf of KPFA
on Saturday, July 31. Speakers included City Council members from Berkeley and Oakland; Mayor
Willie Brown and Supervisor Tom Ammiano from San Francisco; Berkeley Mayor Shirley Dean;
Dolores Huerta, United Farmworkers of America; Audie Bock, California State Assemblyperson,
Green Party; June Jordan, poet; Peter Coyote, actor and author; and Tom Rankin, President,
California Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO. Dr. Loco and His Rocking Jalapeño Band, Michael Franti
of Spearhead, Culture Clash, and others performed.
Shortly before Saturday's rally, KPFA supporters learned that Pacifica's high-priced public
relations firm, Fineman and Associates, had quit. Also on Saturday, Assembly Speaker Pro Tem
Fred Keeley, D-Santa Cruz, was one of eight legislators adding their support for a special
hearing by the Joint Legislative Audit Committee to investigate the dispute between KPFA and
the Pacifica Foundation. To date, 24 members of the California Legislature have requested a
public hearing on the situation at KPFA radio.
Legislators are concerned that Pacifica has undertaken a number of actions that may violate its
charter and its tax-exempt status. The Pacifica Board voted to disenfranchise its Local
Advisory Boards, and allegations have been raised that funds may have been used for purposes
inconsistent with its charter. The letter states, “Because Pacifica is incorporated in
California and owns not only KPFA, but also KPFK in Los Angeles, we feel it is highly
appropriate for the Legislature to take upon itself this oversight responsibility.” For
additional information, contact: Assembly Speaker Pro Tem Fred Keeley, (831) 425-1503.