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Pacifica Foundation
Pacifica Election Updates
Greetings Pacifica Members,

ELECTIONS CLOSED SEPT. 30th: KPFA's Listener and Staff Elections, KPFT's Listener and Staff Elections, WBAI's Listener Elections, are closed.

ELECTIONS EXTENDED till OCT. 13th: KPFK's Listener and Staff Elections, WBAI Staff Elections, WPFW's Listener and Staff Elections

Submit an Election Request form if you have not received your ballot (KPFK, WPFW and WBAI Staff). Send in your ballot *before Oct 13th* to:

  • KPFK Election, pobox 710, N. Hollywood, CA 91603
  • WBAI Election, pobox 3454, NY. NY 10008
  • WPFW Election, pobox 21628, Washington DC 20009

Approximate Ballot Count for closed elections:

  • KPFA Listener - 3465 (~16%), KPFA Staff - 129 (53%)
  • KPFT Listener - 871 (~12%), KPFT Staff - 48 (25%)
  • WBAI Listener - 1951 (~12%)

The ballot count is labor intensive - so if you aren't a candidate please come out and help. Candidates can observe but not touch the ballots.

KPFA Ballot Count - Oct. 8th, 9th & 10th - Location - Bay Area Alternative Press, 1845 Alcatraz, Contact Oriana Saportas to confirm details,

KPFK Ballot Count - Oct. 15th, 16th & 17th - Location - KPFK Radio, Contact Les Radke to confirm details,
KPFT Ballot Count - Oct. 19th & 20th - Location - KPFT Radio, Contact Kathy Kidd to confirm details,
WBAI Ballot Count - Oct. 23rd, 24th & 25th - Location - TBA, Contact Nichole Justice-Hylton to confirm details,
WPFW Ballot Count - Oct. 21st & 22nd - Location - WPFW Radio, Contact Staci Gorden to confirm details,


Step 1 will be cross checking the ballot pick up logs with the actual ballots. We will then delve into...

Step 2 of the process which is the opening and sorting of the ballots enclosed in envelops... and then...

Step 3: cross check validity of the PINS (barcode scanning) associated to each ballot by comparing to the official master list of pins which combines reissued ballots with first mailing to make sure there are no duplicate votes. Sort in to accepted (valid pin) and rejected ballots (invalid pin). Next....

Step 4: scan each ballot and process with image processing software which translates each image into a string of numbers corresponding to the candidate ranking of a given vote. Note that we will check for errors before moving onto the next step. Finally...

Step 5: Use ChoicePlusPro program to perform the STV calculation
Note this 5 step process will be separate for staff and listener elections.

STV - Single Transferable Vote - is the method used in this election. It is considered the most democratic of all election systems as it ensures proportional representation and minimizes wasted votes. For detailed information read STV for Small Elections (KPFK Elections Working Group 2006). Tune into an STV onair tutorial which was carried out by Kathy Kidd (KPFT local election supervisor) Les Radke, national election supervisor 2006, 2009, Local election supervisor 2010 KPFK, and one of the individuals who helped write the Pacifica Bylaws.

Many thanks for your time and consideration,

Oriana Saportas (KPFA Election Supervisor)
Les Radke (KPFK Election Supervisor)
Kathy Kidd (KPFT Election Supervisor)

Nichole Justice-Hylton (WBAI Election Supervisor)
Staci Gorden (WPFW Election Supervisor)

Renee Asteria (National Election Supervisor 2010)

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