The Two Election Supervisors
on In-Person Ballot Collection
Thursday, December 10, 2009
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WBAI-LSB-PUBLIC] WBAI Election ballot counting
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2009 19:17:24 -0500 (GMT-05:00)
From: Mitchel Cohen
Reply-To: Mitchel Cohen
This is a message from WBAI Local Election Supervisor Ethan Young.
1. Last minute ballot collection at WBAI tomorrow [Thursday]. National Election Supervisor Les Radke and I will be at 120 Wall Street, 10th floor, and will accept ballots through midnight [Thursday night]. (Note from Mitchel: please contact me as well as Ethan if you need to get past building security: Ethan is at and Mitchel is .
2. The final returned ballot collection from the election PO box at the Bowling Green Annex post office will be on Friday, December 11, at 8 am. The postal station is in the 90 Church St. building, but it's on the WEST BROADWAY side [1 block west of Church, between Barclay and Vesey]. There are 3 Post Office entrances on the West Broadway side - use the MIDDLE one.
Please note - this is NOT the p.o. near Battery Park, and it is NOT the p.o. at Church and Canal.
Here's what will happen: the unopened letters will be counted and bundled. Each bundle will be taped up and marked with the number of envelopes in each bundle. The tape will be signed by me [as local election supervisor] and representatives of each slate who are present, to guarantee against tampering before the votes are counted after the December 10 deadline. The bundles will be placed in a plastic bag which will be taped and signed in the same manner. The package of bundles will be stored in a secure place until they are to be opened and counted.
Anyone can come and observe -- it's a public, open process.
3. Ballot opening - the first part of counting - will begin Friday, December 11, at 10:30 am, at the New York Society for Ethical Culture, 64th Street at Central Park West, five blocks north of Columbus Circle.
Ethan Young
WBAI Local Election Supervisor
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