Subject: [NewPacifica] Fw: [grc] statement from IPNB re 7/22/02 mtg
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 16:45:35 -0700
From: "Carol Spooner" <>
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient>
----- Original Message -----
From: "Leslie Cagan" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:54 PM
Subject: [grc] statement from IPNB re 7/22/02 mtg
Please share this with other lists. Thank you.
On Monday, July 22, 2002 the Interim Pacifica National Board met for a second time to discuss issues related to the contract with Democracy Now! Because we were discussing matters which involved potential litigation and contractual negotiations, this meeting was convened in executive session.
Nine members of the Interim Pacifica National Board (IPNB) participated in the conference call/meeting: Teresa Allen, George Barnstone, Pete Bramson, Leslie Cagan, David Fertig, Ray Laforest, Rob Robinson, Carol Spooner, and Jabari Zakiya.
The IPNB agreed to engage Mr. Timothy Fox to provide legal advice to the IPNB on the contractual relationship with Democracy Now!
The IPNB also set up a committee (George Barnstone, Janice K. Bryant, Leslie Cagan, Rob Robinson and Jabari Zakiya) to gather all questions by board members, and other information and documents to send to Tim Fox for his legal review, comments, and advice. The committee will work with Mr. Fox concerning the Democracy Now! contract, and to the extent the board may decide to renegotiate the Democracy Now! contract, the committee shall conduct those negotiations on behalf of the board. This committee does not have authority to sign any modifications, addendum or new contracts... but only will negotiate and bring terms back to the board for full board approval.
There will no further action taken by the IPNB on this matter until we have the advice of counsel and agreement amongst ourselves about any possible next steps.