iPNB Report on 7/16/2002 Executive Session Meeting

Subject: [NewPacifica] Fw: statement from IPNB re 7/16 mtg
Date:Tue, 16 Jul 2002 22:02:01 -0700
From:"Carol Spooner" <wildrose@pon.net>
Reply-To: NewPacifica@yahoogroups.com

----- Original Message -----
From: "Leslie Cagan" <lesliecagan@igc.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 7:22 PM
Subject: statement from IPNB re 7/16 mtg

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On Tuesday, July 16, 2002 the Interim Pacifica National Board met to discuss issues related to the contract with Democracy Now! Because we were going to be discussing matters which involved potential litigation and contractual negotiations, this meeting was convened in executive session.

Eleven members of the Interim Pacifica National Board (IPNB) participated in the conference call/meeting: Teresa Allen, George Barnstone, Pete Bramson, Janice K. Bryant, Leslie Cagan, James Ferguson, David Fertig, Ray Laforest, Rob Robinson, Carol Spooner, Jabari Zakiya. Pacifica's Executive Director Dan Coughlin and Deputy Executive Director Verna Avery-Brown were also on the call.

The IPNB set up a process to identify a lawyer who will provide legal counsel to the IPNB, specifically to advise us on the contractual relationship with Democracy Now!

The IPNB will meet again next Monday, July 22, 2002 to decide which lawyer will advise the IPNB, and to define the lawyer's scope of service(s). During that meeting, which will be in executive session, the Board will also set up a committee of the Board to work with the attorney.

There will no further action taken by the IPNB on this matter until we have the advice of counsel and agreement amongst ourselves about any possible next steps.

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