Workers at KPFK/Los Angeles, KPFA/Berkeley, and WBAI/New York are struggling to negotiate fair Union contracts. In Los Angeles, they've been trying to negotiate a new U.E. contract for more than a year. Management hired, then fired the Center for Human Resoorces/American Consulting Group (a known "Union Buster"). Still, major issues remain on the table, with management trying to weaken the existing contract and shrink the Bargaining Unit. At WBAI in New York, Pacifica has attacked U.E.'s legal status to represent All of the workers. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruled in favor of the workers at WBAI, but Pacifica has vowed to appeal (which will cost hundreds of thousands of listeners' money in legal fees) and Pacifica is not abiding by the legal decision.

We are proud to work at Pacifica, long the leader in progressive, community-based radio programing. We have worked hard in support of Pacifica's unique mission to promote PEACE and SOCIAL JUSTICE.

We are angry at management's apparent disregard of our dedication and its continuing attacks on our existing agreements. We are particularly frustrated because we have helped give Pacifica its best fundraising year ever, with listener-support at record levels.

On MARCH 6, we are asking YOU to join us in sending a united message to Pacifica, demanding that it live up to its mission and lead the way in labor relations, rather than go backwards. Please use the enclosed Pledge Form to send your message to Pacifica.

Also, please fax a copy of your pledge to 212-995-2546, so we may keep track of your efforts to support workers at Pacifica and build more support for listener- sponsored justice.

For more information E-mail WBAI Chief Steward R. Paul Martin.

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