It appears that the lawsuits have been settled. Since a judge mediated this settlement as part of the court cases it will be much harder for Pacifica Management, what's left of it, to weasel out of this one. We present an announcement from Larry Bensky below along with a KPFA listener's recollection of the announced details. We have a link to the settlement text.

Subject: {FP} Settlement in Lawsuits Reached
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 15:06:40 -0800
From: "Larry Bensky" <>


A mutually acceptable agreement was agreed to this afternoon by all parties in the lawsuits against Pacifica, and by all members of the current national board.

This will effectively transfer control of the Pacifica foundation, immediately upon signature (no later than next Monday) to the current minority, dissident members of the board who will have an effective majority.

The agreement remains under court supervision until further notice. Should any party claim violation of the agreement, a complaint may be brought and the judge will resolve it quickly.

A copy of this agreement will be posted shortly at
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The below E-mail is from a KPFA listener who heard the details on the program Flashpoints. It is not presented as an authoritative description of the settlement's details.

Subject: [NewPacifica] Pacifica agreement annoucned on KPFA
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 23:43:27 -0000
From: "t_d_friedman"

Announcement at 3pm on KPFA by Leslie Cagan, David Adelson, et al.

The compulsory mediation has resulted in an agreement, generally similar to the Pacifica Board Resolution passed on 11/18/01 and afterwards abrogated:

a 5-5-5 (them, us, and the local LAB reps) interim board, 2/3 majority vote required for all decisions, or a simple majority that includes at least one vote from each of the three groups of 5 members.

But --- and this is the new provision -- if a simple majority, rather than 2/3, votes for an issue without a concurring vote from at least one person in each of the three groups, then the board can go to Judge Sabraw, who will decide the issue.

If I got this right, it looks promising. But we will be depending on the judge for everything of significance: removing station managers, removing the gag rule, bringing back the banned and fired, opening financial records, etc. I hope he does not let us down!

Anyway, the lawsuits will now be dropped.

-- Ted Friedman

To view the text of the settlement CLICK HERE.

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