Minutes for the WBAI Local Station Board meeting in Public Session on May 11, 2022.

Meeting convened at 7:08 PM (ET) a quorum being present, the Chair being present.


Attending: Rachel Barr, Scottye Battle, Doc Shya, John Brinkley, Priscilla Cancar, Jack DePalma, James Dingeman, DeeDee Halleck,William Heerwagen, Errol Maitland, R. Paul Martin, Basir Mchawi, Katherine O’Sullivan, Hazel Pinder, Shawn Rhodes, James Sagurton, Sharonne Salaam, Max Schmid, Marilyn Vogt-Downey, Michael D.D. White and Amy Wilson

Also Present at the meeting: Berthold Reimers (Station Manager), John Hoffman (Secretary)


WBAI Local Station Board (“LSB”)
7:00 PM, Wednesday, May 11, 2022 Meeting
Remote Participation Meeting Via Zoom

1.   Convene meeting- (Ask for recording of the meeting to be started and confirm designated time keeper. Note how chat is to be used.)
2.   Adopt Agenda. (20 minutes)  
3.   Roll Call. (5 minutes)
4.   Excuse Absences. (5 minutes)
5.   Approve outstanding minutes: April 13, 2022 Meeting (5 minutes)
6.    Report from Pacifica National Board Directors. (7 minutes & 5 minutes discussion) — Shawn Rhodes, James Sagurton, Sharonne Salaam, Jim Dingeman.
7.   General Manager’s Report, including any further updates on PD Search Status. (5 Minutes report 5 minutes discussion) — Berthold Reimers
8.   Programming Updates. (5 minutes report, 5 minutes Q&A) — Linda Perry
9.   Report from Community Advisory Board  (2 Minutes) – Neale Vos
10.  Treasurer’s Report. — (5 Minutes report 5 minutes discussion) — R. Paul Martin

11. Discussion: How to handle items left out from previous agendas (8 minutes)–John Brinkley
12.   Discussion: Present motion that the WBAI General Manager shall provide a written report to the LSB, by May 26, 2022, on his compliance with the Pacifica Communications Policy below, including increasing the frequency of LSB Reports since no reports have been made this year.- (8 minutes) — Rachel Barr
13.   Discussion: Public Comment– (8 minutes) — Dr. Shya
14.    Discussion & Resolution: Creation of Programming Advisory Committee— (5 Minutes) – Michael D. D. White
15.   Motion to Create Programming Committee (5 minutes) — William Heerwagen
16.    Motion Appreciating Staff (5 minutes) — William Heerwagen
17.   Discussion: Improving WBAI and Pacifica Reputation and Brand— (10 minutes) – Michael D. D. White
18.   Discussion: Adjournment Time of LSB meeting(s)—(5 minutes) Dr. Shya
19.   Public Comment. (30 minutes, 2 minutes maximum per speaker before next in queue to speak. Must always begin no later than 9:15 PM.)   
20.   New Business. (5 minutes)
21.   Adjourn no later than 9:45 PM. (ET)


Motion: (Michael DD White) “To adopt the agenda” 7:18 PM ET


The LSB discussed the motion.


Motion: (Michael DD White) “To amend the agenda to include a discussion led by John Brinkley about how to handle items left over from agendas from previous meetings” after item 15. 7:20 PM ET


The LSB discussed the motion.


Motion: (Michael DD White) “To amend the amended agenda to include a discussion led by John Brinkley about how to handle items left over from agendas from previous meetings” after item 10. 7:28 PM ET


The LSB discussed the amendment to the amendment.


This amendment passed without objection. 7:32 PM ET


The LSB then discussed whether this motion could become the main amendment to the agenda. This motion passed without objection 7:35PN ET


The amended agenda then became the main motion to be discussed. The amended agenda passed without objection. 7:36 PM ET



Motion: (James Dingeman) “To excuse absences of those not present. (passed without objection) 7:39 PM ET


Motion: (James Dingeman) “To approve minutes from April13, 2022 Public Session 7:40 PM ET



Report from Pacifica National Board of Directors (Shawn Rhodes, James Sagerton, Sharrone Salaam, James Dingeman):


--discussion of status of lawsuits and rulings/appeals

--efforts to block renewal of WBAI license

--IRS seizure from Pacifica accounts

--severe financial issues in three of the stations

--990 filing


Motion: (James Dingeman) “To extend time for report from Pacifica National Board of Directors by five minutes” (passed without objection) 7:48 PM ET



Motion: (James Dingeman) “To extend time for discussion of Report of Pacifica National Board of Directors by five additional minutes” (passed 17 for, 3 against) 7:58 PM ET




General Manager’s Report 8:11PM ET


--discussion of pitch weekend

--discussion of second Tower campaign


Motion: (Basir Mchawi) “To extend time for report from General Manager by five minutes” (passed without objections) 8:19 PM ET


Motion: (William Heerwagen) “To extend time for report from General Manager by five additional minutes” (defeated 8 for, 9 against 2 abstentions) 8:31 PM ET



Programming Updates: Linda Perry submitted report in writing, full text appears after the minutes.



The Chair stepped down as Chair for the Program Director’s Report as the Chair will discuss the report. 8:40 PM ET


When this discussion ended, the Chair resumed their role as Chair. 8:48 PM ET


Community Advisory Board Report (Neale Vos): Neale was not present to give report 8:49 PM ET


Treasurer’s Report (R. Paul Martin):


--looking at all options to increase revenue for the stations


Discussion: How to Handle Items Left Over from Previous Agendas


Motion: (Michael DD White) “To devote 8 minutes to this agenda item” (passed without objections) 9:02 PM ET


Motion: (Michael DD White) “To extend time for this item by four more minutes” (passed without objections) 9:11 PM ET


Listener Comments 9:15 PM ET


During Listener Comments, Neale Vos presented the CAB Report


--Report to Listener





Motion: (John Brinkley) “To extend time by five minutes the previous matter before Public Comments” 9:45 PM ET (passed 13 for, 6 against two-thirds required)


Motion: (John Brinkley) “To put unfinished business on the agenda right after Treasurer's Report” 9:51 PM ET


Objection: (R. Paul Martin) raised objection that motion is out of order as this would be a Special Rule and does not meet the requirements for a Special Rule. Requires previous notice and then a two-thirds vote in favor of the motion after a meeting to present the motion has already taken place.


The LSB discussed the motion and objection.


The Chair then ruled that the motion was out of order. 10:00PM ET




Motion: (Michael DD White) “To adjourn” 10:01 PM ET (passed without objection)



The meeting was adjourned at 10:01 PM ET

Submitted by John Hoffman, Secretary

















Linda Perry Report




WBAI began a reading of War and Peace on Bob Fass’ Radio Unnameable Thursdays at Midnight. It’s a 1970 reading from the Pacifica Radio Archive done at WBAI.This will go through the summer. This week is Part Two. We may send weekly downloads to our buddy list as a perk and are thinking of other perks which can be made available. Ideas for buddy perks are welcome. 

This May has seen 10 new buddies so far.. one is a $50 a month buddy. An on air thank you cart will be put together soon.  And today we received an $1800 donation during Sojourner Truth's Cuba/Lumumba pitch show. It was a good day moneywise with over $7000 raised in pledges. 

Black Agenda Radio has been relaunched. It is broadcast Fridays at 5pm with Margaret Kimberley. I am sharing it on audioport with the network. It received a good welcome back reception so far. I’m also sharing Covert Action Bulletin in the same way. The Chris Hedges Show, On Contact, is now called Chris Hedges Report, same time 12:30 on Sundays. 

This past Sunday, WBAI broadcast an open phones Mother’s Day program hosted by Frenchie Davis. It brought our listenership together with tributes to Moms and other nurturers. We should do more of this kind of programming where listeners express their innermost thoughts and recollections as well as their experiences with a welcoming host. Also Code Pink broadcast an interview with Stella Morris, married to Julian Assange. It was very moving when she speaks about bringing their two children to see Julian. On the Count also did a moving program about visiting people behind bars at Rikers this mother's day weekend. Speaking of the weekend, David Rothenberg will be broadcasting a breaking news interview on Saturday with the real story behind the so called "fatal attraction killer" dna evidence and her innocence. Driving Forces which is on Thursday at 5pm broadcast a live interview with Eric Adams.They'll have Tish James on in a few weeks. And Jeff who cohosts the program is doing a pride special on June 5th. 

As indicated in my last report, What's Going On!(WGO), our new morning drive time program at 7a is proving to be a winning combination with rotating hosts. Bob Hennelly i bringing in many different union members covering a range of issues on Mondays and Linda Sarsour is powerful and delightful now on Wednesday mornings bringing in a range of activists to our listeners. Note that Felipe Luciano who hosts WGO on Thursdays has a 1.0 share in the metro Nielsen metric. In the 6-10a time frame, WBAI is #39 out of 89 stations in the metro area.Not great but much better. I'm waiting on our online stream to be counted and on entering surrounding areas within our range to be figured into our listenership numbers. At present in the metro area, WBAI has 81,000 weekly listeners who spend two hours listening. 34 % are ages 45-54 and 46% are 75+ 


Our news anchor Paul De Rienzo took a much needed break last week, but is back this week. I have reconnected with Columbia Journalism to broadcast student’s work on our newscasts and we are moving in a direction of adding more pieces and voices into the BAI news from various sources. I shared one of my news pieces on NYS preparations in case Roe is gone with KPFA News which was broadcast on the Pacifica Evening News out on the coast last night. We need to be sharing our programs more with the coast.


We have been covering the scotus leak on the conservative court's intent to tear down Roe on our News and on many of our programs.  We are planning a national program in coming weeks. 

We are looking at the possibility of doing a two or three day rent party marathon with the theme of Human Rights very soon. We'll be pairing hosts to co-pitch.. It's a work in progress with more info in coming days. 

I’m very interested in finding the logo BAI used to have with the dove holding a peace branch. Please send it my way if you have it. 

That's it for now. 

Thank you,



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