
First elected
Pacifica National Board Meets

The PNB met in Berkeley, California March 12-14, 2004. As is the case with the LSBs the PNB has to start everything off from scratch.

The PNB got more financial reports, held public comments sessions, organized several committees and elected the following officers of the Pacifica Foundation:

Chair Marty Durlin (KGNU)
Vice-Chair Henry Cooper (KPFT)
Secretary Roger Manning (WBAI)

Of course Roger Manning is a WBAI Staff delegate.

Interestingly, Ms. Durlin is GM of a Pacifica affiliate station. Some people have expressed their displeasure with this. Some factions have said there will probably be motions brought to remove her.

The next PNB meeting will be on June 3rd, through June 6th in Houston, Texas.

In a great victory for progress we approved the minutes of the previous two meetings!

Shawn Rhodes reported on what's tending to be called the “LSB show.” The following motion was passed as amended, “That the LSB approve Shawn's report and empower the committee to set up the next two shows for April and May.” The vote was 15 yes, 4 no and 2 abstentions.

After some more reports a one and a half page long motion was presented to set up several standing committees of the LSB. Most of the work of the LSB will start out in these committees, so they are important.

A half page of proposed amendments were presented. After many more amendments, divisions of the question and debate one committee, the Finance Committee, was created. The creation of other committees is on the agenda for the next LSB meeting.

Membership in the Finance Committee will be open to non-LSB members, that includes WBAI Staff. This will probably be the case for all of the LSB's committees. The meeting date of the Finance Committee will be announced at the next LSB meeting on April 1.

Debate on the above motions was suspended so the LSB could hear a presentation by AFTRA Shop Steward Jose Santiago and Public Affairs Director Kathy Davis on behalf of the WBAI Paid Staff.

They noted that some of the Management proposals for layoffs would leave only a skeleton crew of about 12 Paid Staff and this would be very detrimental to the running of the radio station. They were concerned about fair treatment of the Paid Staff during this time of financial crisis. They said that there was a need to look at reallocating money to save jobs at the station.

WBAI Management has offered buyouts to Paid Staff who are at risk of being layed off, although the buyouts are not very attractive and appear to offer Paid Staff no incentive to take them.

The AFTRA Rep. said that the buyouts may be worked out and that the deadline for layoffs has been extended to some time in April. (See above about WBAI being projected to have only $68,000 in the bank by the end of April.)

The LSB members were all very interested in this question of layoffs and want to do what can be done to avoid them.

The first “LSB Show” will air on Thursday, April 8 from 3 PM to 5 PM.

The next LSB meeting will be held on Thursday, April 1, 2004 at 6:30 PM at the Goddard Riverside Community Center, 88th street and Columbus Ave. in Manhattan. This meeting will include Public Comment and is wheelchair accessible. Reminder: Staff may speak during these public comment sessions.

three radios

All labor donated by and printing paid for by R. Paul Martin.

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