Who? What? When? Where? Why?
A newsletter about some things happening at WBAI. January 22, 2005
Presented by R. Paul Martin as an individual producer. Vol. 2 No. 1
three lines

WBAI isn't the only station in Pacifica with a lot of contention going on. At KPFA the LSB refused to seat any of the newly elected Staff delegates, and at WPFW there are allegations of delegates being refused their LSB seats. Sounds illegal to me.

Local Station Board Meeting
December 15, 2004

This was the first meeting of the LSB after the elections. The faction currently in charge at WBAI now has an absolute majority of 13 seats. As per the bylaws elections for officers were held and these are the results:

Chair . Vajra Kilgour
Vice-Chair . Mariana Gaston
Secretary . Berta Silva
Treasurer . Baruti Bediako

The Secretary and Treasurer are not LSB members, which is allowed by the bylaws. All WBAI LSB officers are now faction members.

The General Manager attended for the first time since September and, addressing the faction members of the LSB, said that the new LSB was taking over at a time when WBAI is on the road to financial stability.

The Pacifica CFO reported that WBAI would have $300,000 in the bank on January 1. A question elicited the information that this was a projection. As of press time actual income is significantly lagging the budgeted income.

When people lined up for the public comments the Chair brought a faction member who hadn't even been on line to the front to speak first. This was the first time such interference had occurred.

The faction voted to rescind the motion passed at the previous meeting which created the General Manager Search Subcommittee (GMSS).

A motion was brought to create a new position of “Assistant Secretary.” A faction member was

quickly plugged in to this position.

A Staff LSB member made a motion to impose a sort of gag rule on the LSB, but even the other faction members couldn't support that.

A motion to create a new GMSS composed of 3 Paid Staff, 3 Unpaid Staff and 3 listener LSB delegates was made, but the meeting ran out of time and it was tabled.

PNB Finance Committee Meeting
December 28, 2004

This meeting had a less rosy view of WBAI's finances. The Fall ‘thon's previously reported pledge total of $950,000 was changed to $926,000.

The word “layoffs” was used in this meeting. If the upcoming ‘thon (January 24-February 14) doesn't raise its $1.1 million goal Management will be issuing pink slips.

WBAI Delegates' Meeting
January 5, 2005

At the end of December LSB listener delegate Alice Shields resigned her seat. Her replacement gave the faction currently in charge at WBAI a total of 14 seats on the LSB.

Meeting as delegates, the LSB elected the following people to be WBAI's Directors to the Pacifica National Board (PNB):

Listeners: . Staff:
Ray LaForest . Bob Lederer
Patty Heffley . .
Michael T. Warren . .

During a public comment session some listeners lodged complaints about not being allowed to vote, whereas others were allowed to hand in ballots. Another listener said that he found Management's claim to have fired Gary Null to “increase income” hilarious.

Page Two of this newsletter

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