Who? What? When? Where? Why?
A newsletter about some things happening at WBAI. May 24, 2005
Presented by R. Paul Martin as an individual producer. Vol. 2 No. 4
three lines
Fred Kuhn

The most important thing that's happened since the last newsletter is the death Fred Kuhn, WBAI's receptionist and producer of the program Light Show. Fred's passing is mourned by all who knew him. Through all of the upheavals of the last quarter century Fred answered the main WBAI phone number and always kept his cool. He is already greatly missed. We are told that a memorial will be planned for a date in June.

Pacifica National Board Meeting
April 1-3, 2005

As reported in the last newsletter, Pacifica Executive Director Dan Coughlin announced his resignation, effective June 1, during this meeting.

A controversy arose before and during this meeting over two Directors asking to see various documents including cash receipts and the check register for WBAI. ED Dan Coughlin and WBAI General Manager Don Rojas refused their request. However, the Pacifica bylaws and the California Corporations Code give Directors the “absolute right” to inspect and copy anything they want.

The PNB couldn't get it together to tell Management to comply with the law, and put the issue off.

The question of the legality of the WBAI LSB's “suspension” of a member took up a lot of time as well. The PNB couldn't deal with this issue, either.

Local Station Board Meeting
April 13, 2005

An LSB member was named in the minutes of a previous meeting as having taken photos during a meeting. “Naming” is a type of punishment. But the member wasn't being punished, no one had voted to punish him and there was nothing to punish him for. A motion to remove his name from the minutes was voted down by the faction currently in

charge. Was this an attempt to set up another member for further “disciplinary” action? Later in this meeting a faction member took a photo that was objected to by an audience member, but his name didn't go into the minutes.

General Manager Don Rojas announced that this was his last meeting as he's leaving WBAI. He released the results of the survey that had been received 14 months ago. It shows that 77% of our listeners who responded are over age 45, only 4% are under 30. And 55% of listeners have listened to WBAI for more than 10 years.

I asked the GM a question I hadn't been able to get in for months. I asked what had happened to make the projected $300,000 in the WBAI bank account as of January 1, turn out to be only $172,545. Mr. Rojas replied that he didn't see how that was relevant and he couldn't remember any way. The LSB later voted to thank Don Rojas for his “job extremely well done,” I didn't vote for it.

The Finance Committee brought a motion to set up a Station Relocation Sub-committee to look for a new space for WBAI. A professional has in formed us that this move will cost seven figures.

During public comment a faction operative told everyone how tough he was and that if he hit any one he would kill them.

Given that this is the guy who called for a “kangaroo court” in February and the faction actually held one on March 9. Maybe he's leaking the faction's next scheme for dealing with dissident LSB members.

The LSB voted to approve a contest to create a slogan in any language that best sums up the spirit and mission of WBAI. Enter early and often.

The LSB amended a motion for the self evaluation of the Program Director to allow for Staff input. What sort of evaluation will the PD will give himself?

Local Station Board Meeting
May 5, 2005

We met in Brooklyn; it took 46 minutes to get a quorum. At the suggestion of the Chair the LSB and audience gave our late colleague Fred Kuhn a standing ovation in memoriam. A rare instance of

Page Two of this newsletter

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