Who? What? When? Where? Why?
A newsletter about some things happening at WBAI. August 6, 2006
Presented by R. Paul Martin as an individual producer. Vol. 3 No. 2
three lines

Editorial: Between last year and this year there have been a number of Staff meetings where the issues of F.C.C. “indecency” violations and advertising on the air have been discussed. The Program Director (PD) had announced that the Staff would get training in these issues at a meeting in January, and then at one in March. To date no such training has happened, and indecency violations and advertising continue to happen on WBAI's air. Besides the possibility of serious fines, up to $325,000 per violation now, and other legal problems that could result from these violations Management has also said that violators will be suspended.

There are a lot of relatively new people on the air, and few of them seem to understand the seriousness of these issues. It seems unfair to punish people for violating rules they know nothing about.

For the sake of the radio station Management needs to finally get serious about setting up Staff training about “indecency” and advertising before the license gets threatened.

Pacifica National Board Meeting
January 27-29, 2006

New Executive Director (ED) Greg Guma reported to the Pacifica National Board (PNB) that he wants, “to cultivate a culture of cooperation, financial transparency, and effective management that respects the contributions of staff and volunteers AND the interests of listeners.”

WBAI interim General Manager (iGM) Indra Hardat reported that WBAI is overcoming its financial deficit, but we need a development person. Also, the number of women involved in programming has doubled. She noted that she has sometimes walked out of LSB meetings because of “all the negative energy and all the bad will created.” The iGM decried the constant fighting that goes on at WBAI.

Local Station Board Meeting
February 15, 2006

This meeting started 52 minutes late. We elected LSB members to the PNB committees.

Governance Committee:
Cerene Roberts & R. Paul Martin.
Audit Committee:
Cheryl Ife Griffin & Berthold Reimers.
Programming Committee:
Cerene Roberts & Steve Brown.
Technical Committee:
Evan Tobias & Paul DeRienzo.
Elections Committee:
Cerene Roberts & Carolyn Birden.
Archives Committee:
Michael Warren & Steve Brown.
Affiliates Committee:
Vajra Kilgour & Shawn Rhodes.
PNB Committee of Inclusion:
Ray Laforest (PNB member), Marion Borenstein, Mitchell Cohen & Evan Tobias.

The PNB members vying for the Committee of Inclusion (COI) spoke. Chair Ray LaForest had to admit that, despite his faction's declarations about the importance and necessity of the COI, he as Chair of it hadn't held a meeting in a year!

Public comment was had while votes were counted. One topic of comment was a false charge of racism leveled by a faction member. One listener who'd never been to a LSB meeting before said that she was astonished if this is how the meetings are run.

The faction brought a motion for on-air reports by the LSB that will favor faction members, giving them more exposure on the air than others. They also want to re-broadcast the 2 hour “LSB Report” in an overnight slot.

The Staff evaluation of the Program Director (PD) came up again when some members wanted to know who was allowed to see the surveys.

General Manager's Staff Meeting
February 3, 2006

The iGM reported that for the first time in four years WBAI has balanced its income and spending. She noted that some programs are building empires using WBAI to channel money into other organizations.

There was talk of unregistered premiums, faction

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