Faction operative Nia Bediako has been bringing this motion to the LSB for months now. It's illegal, but she brings it anyway in an attempt to undermine the functioning of the LSB. Here's her motion.
Whereas, the WBAI Local Station Board recognizes that incarceration on the basis of defendants' political speech and conduct happens in the courts of the United States of America; and
Whereas, the imprisonment of Lynne Stewart, who spent years as an attorney defending the rights of the politically persecuted and the disenfranchised, represents one such occurrence; and
Whereas, the conviction and sentencing of Lynne Stewart were strongly opposed as unjust by many leaders and advocates for human rights and civil liberties, as well as by many defense attorneys who recognized the dangerous chilling effect on their profession; and
Whereas, Lynne Stewart is a duly elected member of this body and entitled to participate in discussions and decisions of importance to WBAI; and
Whereas, her absence from our association is involuntary and completely against her will, in order to accommodate her,
Resolved, that until Lynne Stewart is again able to attend LSB meetings, on each motion debated by the LSB that would have long-range impact on the station, as determined by a majority vote:
1. No vote will be taken until said motion, any seconded amendments, and any written points desired to be included by any LSB member, have been:
a) sent by email or regular mail to Lynne Stewart (according to her preference and access); and
b) put on a public LSB listserv, access to which shall not require pre-registration of any kind and to which all LSB members may post.
Such mailings and postings shall be done by the LSB Secretary within a week of the LSB meeting at which the motions are offered.
2. Votes on such motions and amendments will be conducted at the following LSB meeting, and will include any votes that Lynne Stewart chooses to cast via email or regular mail. Lynne Stewart shall also have the right to include written comments along with her votes. Any such comments shall be read out loud at the next meeting during the final debate before the vote proceeds.
Besides being illegal under the Pacifica bylaws this arrangement would also allow the faction to raise debate and force a vote on every motion brought to the LSB to determine if it “would have long-range impact on the station.”
Here are some citations showing why this motion should always be ruled out of order. Click here to read the Pacifica bylaws posted on line.
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