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agreement and is then covered by the agreement. (Jt.Ex. 1; Tr. 252).
Despite the fact that the volunteers outnumber the paid staff by some 205 to 25, the
union negotiations committee is made up of both paid and unpaid unit members and the
ratification vote is taken on the new agreement together. The votes of each group are
counted together. (Tr. 241).(3)
The working conditions of the two groups also varies greatly. The paid employees, like
employees in general, have fixed hours, receive benefits and are obligated to attend weekly
meetings (Tr. 222). The volunteers' relationship to the Station is clearly not an employment
relationship. Volunteers are not required to attend these meetings. (Tr. 223). Moreover, the
testimony of three volunteers describes the unpaid staff as individuals who, in the spirit of
altruism, volunteer their time and efforts because of their belief and interest in the project
or particular program in which they are engaged. To this end, they are working as many hours
as they determine is necessary. They not only do not receive any compensation, but they
raise funds to support their program and, in some cases, pay out of pocket for expenses
incurred. They conduct their activities under the most general direction of the Program
3 The Hearing Officer inexplicably sustained a union objection to the question as to
whether majority rule applied in the ratification vote. (Tr. 241). However, the steward
testified the votes were counted together and "counted the same." So whatever the rule, the
influence of the volunteers greatly outweighs the paid staff on matters concerning the
economic livelihood of the paid staff.
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