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show, airing one hour a week requires some 30 hours of preparation. (Tr. 262).  In addition, she 

frequently substituted for another unpaid producer, Scott Simmons, who had a show on housing

law.  She also substituted for other shows, produced a Labor Day show and is on for election

night coverage, and on various special events programs.  She is not paid.(4)  On one occasion,

she was paid by the parent Pacifica Foundation to cover the AFL-CIO Convention with two

others who were from other Pacifica stations. (Tr. 259)  She has applied for grants to pay for

the engineering expenses of producing her programs and meeting some of her expenses.  Perhaps

she typified the unique devotion of the unpaid staff when she testified:

         [M]y concern about the station is not a monetary concern, my concern was frankly
         about enabling the station to function better since it is always in deep economic
         straits.  Even when it does well, it has problems. (Tr. 260).

         In order to promote the "Union Summer," she did a 400 piece mailing, xeroxing, writing

and stuffing and mailing the envelopes herself, calling several hundred stations to try to

get the program on a web page. (Tr. 263).  She paid for the mailing at her own expense.

(Tr. 285).  As she put it, "I just wanted to make sure you understand that we also contribute

a lot economically to the station as well." (Tr. 285).

         In another example of her initiative and taking responsibility for the expenses of her 

programming, she applied


         4 She was once reimbursed for nominal expenses.    (Tr. 260).

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