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positions on a temporary or pemanent basis.  There are no such firm descriptions of volunteer 

jobs, either in function or numbers.  Nor are there any procedures for hiring volunteers or

terms and conditions of their work.

         The Union has offered no argument or evidence in support of its opposition to the

petition, except that the volunteers have been included in the unit since the Union was 

voluntarily recognized in 1987 and that they constitute a majority of the unit.  The Board has 

rejected arguments based on the longstanding nature of the included positions.  Washington Post 

Co., 254 NLRB No. 14, 106 LRRM 1404 ("While it may be that certain of the positions sought to be 

excluded by a unit clarification petition have long been included under previous contracts and

the job duties of these positions have remained unchanged, nonetheless, if it can be shown that

the persons in such positions meet the test for establishing superisory, managerial or

confidential status, we are compelled to exclude them").

         In the instant matter, we are dealing with individuals who do not meet the statutory 

definition of "employee."  The Board's exclusion should be no less compelling.

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