Muriel Tillinghast Appointed WBAI iGM

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [NewPacifica] Fwd: Appointment of iGM for WBAI
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 01:25:11 -0500
From: Mitchel Cohen

From: "Arlene Engelhardt"

Dear Friends, Listeners and Staff of WBAI,

As the Executive Director of the Pacifica Foundation, and in consultation and with the recommendation of LaVarn Williams, CFO of the Foundation, I announce the appointment of Muriel Tillinghast as the interim General Manager of WBAI beginning February 1, 2010. Muriel comes to the Foundation and WBAI with a wealth of management and movement experience. She will be working with all of you to share her knowledge and experience with the board, staff and volunteers at WBAI. She will need the cooperation and help of every one of you!

At the same time, I want to extend my thanks to LaVarn Williams for all she has done to move WBAI forward through some very difficult times. She will continue to show her concern for WBAI, and will be working with Muriel and the Finance Staff to continue moving ahead. As the CFO of Pacifica she is in a unique position to help WBAI and all of the Pacifica stations.

I also want to thank Grace Aaron, interim Executive Director and Chair of the Board of the Foundation for her role in moving WBAI forward.

Please join me in welcoming Muriel.

As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of WBAI, I will do all in my power to help WBAI move forward into the next 50 years!

In Peace and Harmony,
Arlene Engelhardt, Executive Director
Pacifica Foundation

I am attaching a copy of the letter I have put in LaVarn's personnel file.

Here's the copy of the letter that's attached to the announcement about the new iGM.


LaVarn Williams, CFO
Pacifica Foundation
1925 Martin Luther King Jr Way
Berkeley, CA 94704

Dear LaVarn:

I am extremely grateful for your accomplishments and success as the iGM at WBAI. Your enthusiasm and your ability to motivate the WBAI employees, has helped the station heal and resulted in a significant increase in productivity and profitability. There certainly is much work still to be done at WBAI and I may need to call on you to assist us during the transition to Muriel. As we discussed, Muriel Tillinghast will become the iGM at WBAI on February 01, 2010. Your knowledge, skills and abilities as the CFO of Pacifica are sorely needed at this time! You will certainly continue to be involved in moving the financial crisis at WBAI forward, and you will be a key player with all of the stations as we move forward with the Financial Accountability plan. Please accept The Pacifica Foundation’s sincerest appreciation for the outstanding job you have done at WBAI. I look forward to working with you as a key player on our team!

Arlene Engelhardt, Executive Director
Pacifica Foundation

Cc:   Ahmad Anderson
      Ricardo DeAnda
      Grace Aaron
      Pacifica National Board
      Mitchel Cohen, Chair, WBAI LSB

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