The National Finance Committee

The top governance body of the Pacifica Foundation is the Pacifica National Board (PNB). The PNB has a number of committees that report to it. One of these is the National Finance Committee (NFC). The NFC is established by the Pacifica bylaws thusly:

Amended and Restated Bylaws of Pacifica Foundation


Article Eight, Other Committees of the Board of Directors

Section 3: Standing Committees

In addition to the LSBs for each of the Foundation's radio stations, the Board of Directors shall also have the following standing committees: .... (C) a Finance Committee, which shall review and recommend the annual budget for board approval and shall monitor and report Foundation financial activities at least quarterly and shall include as members the Chief Financial Officer, a Director from each radio station area and the treasurers of each LSB. (The chair of the Finance Committee shall be a Director who may be referred to as the Board “Treasurer”. However, the Board Treasurer shall not be an officer of the Foundation. The Foundation's Chief Financial Officer shall be an employee of the Foundation and shall not be the Board Treasurer. The Board Treasurer shall not represent him/herself to any party as an officer of the Foundation nor may s/he sign documents on behalf of the Foundation requiring the signature of the Chief Financial Officer nor represent him/herself to have any authority to bind the Foundation.)....

The NFC is an important body within the governance structure of the Pacifica Foundation. I think it would be good if it were easier for folks to get an idea of what it does. So I am posting the information about the NFC's minutes on this page to help with that. This page is a work in progress and will be updated as time goes by and events warrant.

If you want to listen to the audio of these meetings, or any of the PNB committee meetings, you can go here and listen.

Minutes of the Public Sessions of the National Finance Committee

The NFC is required to keep minutes of all of its meetings. It has certainly done so for the most part. The NFC meetings are of two sorts, public sessions and executive sessions. The audio of the public sessions is streamed and archived. The executive sessions usually involve confidential matters and are not streamed, nor is their audio archived. The minutes of the executive sessions of the NFC are confidential. I am currently the Secretary of the NFC.

I am in the process of posting links to all of the public session minutes of the NFC. Since there are quite a few of those I'm posting them on separate Web pages arranged by year. So to start reading the minutes of the public sessions of the NFC just click on a year below. Since this is all a work in progress not all of the minutes are posted here yet. The minutes go back to 2004, and I plan on posting all of those in the future.

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

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