classification. The record in my opinion, supports a finding that the Business Director is not a confidential or managerial employee and therefore should remain in the existing unit.

At the hearing, Wong testified that as the Business Director she helps prepare the payroll records by entering the payroll information into the computer. The operations department provides the payroll data. Wong also maintains a ledger on payments made to the various vendors. Although she does not have the authority to sign checks, she prepares the purchase request order forms which are approved by the Employer's General Manager. The Business Director also maintains a record of all income received by the radio station. In this regard, she enters the check into the cash income revenue ledger and deposits the check.

Wong also prepares a monthly financial report for the Employer. This report includes a summary of the checks written in the disbursement journal, moneys owed to vendors as recorded in the purchase journal and moneys owed for more than three months to vendors, as recorded in the 30 day aging purchase journal. She also balances the bank books on a monthly basis.

The record further shows that Wong processes the credit cards for individuals seeking membership. She also distributes insurance forms, makes sure they are fill out correctly and forwards the forms to the insurance company.

continued on next page


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