substituted for the paid staff during the broadcast of a program. The record evidence also shows that the paid and unpaid staff assist one another in the produclion of their shows. Paid and unpaid staff must also maintain records such as transmittal logs and readings of the transmitter.

Both group of individuals are also required to participate in the Employer's fundraising campaigns. In fact the Program Director, in preparation for the fundraising campaign, discusses with the paid and unpaid staff various ideas on how to generate more money from the shows. Furthermore, some of the provisions of the Union's contract apply to both unpaid and paid employees. Section IX of the contact allows the unpaid staff as well as the paid staff to file and to process grievances to arbitration. In addition, when the unpaid staff substitute for the paid staff, wages set forth in the Union's collective bargaining agreement are given to the unpaid staff. The contract also requires unpaid and paid staff to attend General Manager meetings, Program Director general meetings, department meetings and meetings to organize an event. Paid and unpaid staff also ratify the contracts.

Based on evidence of common supervision, integration of work and the contact among the employees, I have concluded that the unpaid staff and paid staff share a strong community of interest. Brand Precision Services 313 NLRB 657 (1994). Accordingly, the unpaid staff should remain in the existing unit.

During the hearing the Employer referred to the unpaid staff as "volunteers." I find this classification misplaced. First, the Employer does retain continued on next page


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