Pacifica Foundation Election Schedule 2003

The below documents detail the election schedule for these first elections for the Pacifica Foundation. The Pacifica Foundation has a timeline for these elections posted at its Web site. The Pacifica Foundation Web site also contains various official details about these elections, including the candidate petition forms which are necessary if you plan to run for election.

Subject: [WBAI-EC] Court Approved Elections Schedule
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 16:09:06 -0000
From: "Carol Spooner" <>

The deadline for membership ("record date") is November 21st

Here is the Court Approved Elections Time Line:

1) Nominations of Delegates shall open on September 15, 2003 and shall close on December 5, 2003.

2) Ballots and candidates' written statements shall be mailed to the members on January 5, 2004.

3) To be counted, completed ballots must be received by the Elections Supervisor no later than February 5, 2004 (the "Election Close Date").

4) The ballots shall be counted and the results certified by the Elections Supervisor no later than February 12, 2004. 5) The newly elected Delegates for each station area shall meet to elect Foundation directors between February 17 and 19, 2004.

6) The newly elected Pacifica Directors shall be seated at the first meeting of the new National Board on the weekend of March 12-14, 2004.

7) If a Local Station Board election fails to achieve a quorum of votes by the Election Close Date of February 5, 2004, the Close Date for that station area only shall be extended for two weeks to February 19, 2004. The ballots shall be counted and the election results for that station area shall be certified by February 26, and the newly elected Delegates for that station area shall meet to elect Foundation directors between March 2 and 4, 2004. If at least one Local Station Board election must be so extended, the newly elected Pacifica Directors shall be seated at the first meeting of the new National Board on the weekend of March 26-28.

8) Based on the bylaws provision that the record date for determining members eligible to vote shall be 45 days before ballots are mailed, the record date for the transition election shall be November 21, 2003.

We also have this from the WBAI elections coordinator.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * PLEASE POST * * * * * * * * * * * *

Having trouble finding WBAI members to sign your petition to become a candidate?

Want to meet potential candidates face to face before you sign their petition?

Just want to be in the company of other WBAI fanatics like yourself?

Then come to the first Petition Signing Event

November 8th WBAI Station Noon-5:00PM

If you want to help plan the petition signing events in New Jersey, Nassau County, Suffolk County, Westchester, and Queens call the election supervisor at (718) 453-1721 or email her at

You can host your own petition-signing event. As long as the event is open to ALL potential candidates and ALL listeners in your area. Call for more details (718) 453-1721 or email


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