Treasurer's Report on the Fate of the Cash Receipts From the Riverside 9/11 Fundraiser in 2003

This has been a controversial issue for years now. Faction operatives are still denying that anything happened. Well, here's a Treasurer's Report complete with documents to show what really did happen.

The report is presented in an Adobe Acrobat file. One is a higher resolution file and the other is a lower resolution file. Each file is accompanied by a file that serves as a digital signature for the .pdf file.

You do not need the digital signature files to read the report. If you are unfamiliar with digital signatures here's a link to an article about them. If you want to start using digital signatures you can start by going here.

You will probably want to download these files instead of just reading them in your browser. In order to use the digital signature you will have to download both files. The digital signature file is not necessary if all you want to do is read the .pdf file. The digital signature file is just there in case anyone wants to authenticate a .pdf file.

Treasurer's Report - lower resolution file 2 MB.

Digital signature file for lower resolution version of the Treasurer's Report.

Treasurer's Report - higher resolution file 8.8 MB.

Digital signature file for higher resolution version of the Treasurer's Report.

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