- 7 -
         B.   The Chief Enginer is recognized as a member of the bargaining unit but under any
         circumstances will be responsible for transmitter operation in order to maintain
         sub-carrier service.

         C.   Management reserves the right to create additional Management positions, such as
         business manager and development director, which are exempt from the bargaining unit
         provided that they have supervisory roles.  The new positions shall not replace
        existing jobs.
(Ex. J-1A; Ex. J-1B, Ex. U-4)(7)

         The section of the collective bargaining agreement that defines staff also has

remained essentially unchanged since the first agreement was negotiated, with the exception

of the addition of the definition of "half time staff." (Ex. J-1A, Ex. U-4) Staff is defined as


         Section VIII Definitions of Staff

         A    FULL TIME STAFF include persons paid to work not less than 35 hours per
         week for the Employer.

         B.   PART TIME STAFF include persons paid to work from 10 to 35 hours per
         week for the Employer.

         C.   HALF TIME STAFF include persons paid to work at least 17.5 hours per
         week, but less than 35 hours per week.

         D.   A TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE is a person paid to work for a short period of
         time, not to exceed three months.  Work study positions shall not be considered
         temporary employee positions and shall not be used to replace temporary employees.

         E.   INTERIM STAFF include persons who fill paid positions vacant due to leaves of
         absence, vacations, maternity or paternity leave, resignations, suspensions, discharge,
         etc., and shall last from three months to one year.  Work study positions shall not be
         considered interim employee positions and shall not be used to replace interim


        7        The parties stipulated that the recognition clause has remained unchanged
over the course of the bargaining relationship. (T., p. 181, LL. 21 -- T., p. 182 L.1)


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