June 15, 1997

Dear Pacifica National Board Members:

The Shop Committee of WBAI would like to know the answers to the following questions:

What are the total legal fees spent by Pacifica/WBAI on bringing matters before the National Labor Relations Board?

What are the total legal fees spent by Pacifica/WBAI on the writing of the Contract presented to WBAI and KPFK?

What are the total legal fees spent by Pacifica/WBAI on the Corporation for Public Broadcasting hearings?

What are the total legal fees spent by Pacifica/WBAI on denying unemployment benefits to two terminated WBAI workers?

How much does Pacifica expect to spend on the continued appeal of the NLRB decision?

Why does the National Board, after losing its request for Unit Clarification to the NLRB, continue to fight the Union at WBAI, and carry on the appeals process given the expenses incurred and projected?

What problems have arisen at WBAI that cannot be resolved between Management and Staff under the provisions of the current Contract?

Why does the National Board want Management to be able to bust the Union so that Management may act without restriction?

Why is Pacifica Management insisting that WBAI move at this time despite the strong opposition of a majority of the Staff at WBAI, who feel that it would fiscally irresponsible to move now?

Does the National Board think that the enduring publicity from its use of listener sponsors' donations to fight the Union will enhance Pacifica's reputation?

In Solidarity,

R. Paul Martin

Chief Steward

WBAI/UE Local 404

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