We have received word that Pacifica National Program Director Utrice Leid has either been fired or has resigned. The announcement came on the evening of December 11th, on the KPFA program Flashpoints and was confirmed by the KPFA News Dept. The E-mail below is from someone in that Dept.

It is not known if Pacifica Management will put anything on its Web site about this, but if they do this page will link to it.

Utrice Leid had previously been the Interim General Manager of WBAI, a post to which she had been appointed by then Executive Director Bessie Wash, who was fired in October. Ms. Leid began her term as WBAI Interim General Manager at 10:55 PM on Friday, December 22, 2000, in the infamous “Midnight Coup” when she, Ms. Wash and a locksmith entered WBAI, changed all the locks and fired all Management personnel and a number of Paid Staff. Ms. Leid was appointed National Program Director of Pacifica by Ms. Wash on September 13, 2001.

Subject: {FP} Pacificans, rejoice!
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 18:51:03 EST
From: RadioKellia@aol.com
To: <grc@PEAK.ORG>

Utrice Leid has resigned effective IMMEDIATELY.

Someone named Brian Gibbons is overseeing day to day Pacifica national operations for now.



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