WBAI LSB Meeting — April 28, 2004

This sixth WBAI Local Station Board (LSB) meeting was held on Wednesday, April 28, 2004, at 6:30 PM at the Harlem State Office building, 163 W. 125th St. in Manhattan. This is not an official Web page of the LSB.

At this meeting we found out that WBAI Management had decided that it was too costly to provide a public address system for the LSB meetings and to provide for the recording of the meetings. The Secretary made an effort to record the meeting on a mini-disc, but I do not see the audio posted anywyere.

At this meeting I tried to convince the LSB to keep the minutes a little bit leaner by not trying to paraphrase what folks say during the public comments section of the meeting. My suggestion was to record the fact that we had a public comments section and the times when it started and ended. Unfortunately, that motion failed to pass and so we keep on wasting time and the Secretary's efforts by recording and then fighting over what someone may or may not have said.

We finally elected members to the WBAI “Committee of Inclusion” as mandated by Article 8, Section 4 of the Pacifica bylaws.

We almost got all of the LSB members elected to the Pacifica National Board committees at this meeting, but not quite. We were required to leave the building by the 10:00 PM deadline and Mr. Botwinnik's computer gave him some problems but we eventually got the results of those votes.

Here's the newsletter I wrote for WBAI Staff about this meeting.

Here are the approved minutes of this meeting in Microsoft Word format.

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