WBAI LSB Meeting — June 23, 2004

The ninth WBAI Local Station Board (LSB) meeting was held on Wednesday, June 23, 2004, at 6:30 PM at the Harlem State Office Building in Manhattan. This is not an official Web page of the LSB.

This is the LSB meeting where the faction currently in charge began its extreme disruption strategy to prevent the LSB from getting anything done.

This meeting began by picking up at the point where the previous meeting had been in the June 10th, meeting's agenda. The faction wanted to make its motions about the LSB dissociating itself from Pennesi's remarks and the LSB's own report which was delivered to a PNB meeting. But first we had a public comment session. Faction members and hangers on spent time denouncing Pennesi and the LSB and then Mimi Rosenberg grabbed the mic and, after she'd spent her two minutes doing over the top character assassinations and denunciations of the LSB she refused to give the mic to the next person in line! She kept haranguing and basically started a small riot. The entire meeting got disrupted, our time for using the building was up and we had to adjourn without any resolution of anything at all. The faction had managed to prevent the LSB from voting on the very issues they'd brought up as so important, and the faction was just fine with that.

Here is the newsletter I wrote for the WBAI Staff about this meeting.

Here are the approved minutes of this meeting in Microsoft Word format.

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