Minutes of the executive session
of the WBAI LSB on March 4, 2004

3-04-04 WBAI LSB Meeting Executive Session Minutes

WBAI LSB Meeting

3-04-04 Executive Session

Following Regular Meeting

75 Varick Street, NYC

[NOTE: A motion passed on November 30, 2004 "to lift secrecy from executive session of March 4th".

The vote was 11-8.]

Chair and Secretary Present

All board members present constituting a quorum:

Paul Surovell, Steve Brown, Luanne Pennesi, Carolyn Birden, Berthold Reimers, Miguel Maldonado, Alex Steinberg, Paul DeRienzo, Mariana Gaston, Cerene Roberts, Zara Khan, Bob Lederer, Michael Warren, Lawrence Lucas, Ray Laforest, Tiokasin Ghosthorse, Roger Manning, Shawn Rhodes, Patty Heffley, R. Paul Martin, Alice Shields, Bob Owens.

Also present: Don Rojas , Station Manager Ex-officio (non-voting)

Absent: Kathy Goldman,

[Note from approved minutes of 3-04-04:]

Moved into Executive session (to discuss personnel related issue).

In executive session, a member of the LSB advised the board that he sent a letter regarding the matter to the National Board of Directors.


Paul Surovell the treasurer distributed a financial report regarding the 9-11 event at Riverside Church from September 2003. All information was forwarded to the Pacifica National Board.

A discussion followed concerning money from event, was re-allocated by the Program Director.

General Manager was on leave at the time and a question as to who was the substitute or what was the arrangement was asked. The GM stated it was a "loose cabinet of heads of departments".

LSB Members asked questions as to income, loss and profit.

The Treasurer stated that premiums were produced from the event.

Heffley asked about proceeds amount from Saturday.

R.Paul Martin mentioned that the WBAI Budget Committee met with GM in January 2004 and Mr. Rojas stated he didn't know where the proceeds from the event had gone.

The discussion concluded with Members suggesting that we come up w/ new structures and the Treasurer stated that the board will evaluate the PD and GM to the degree we feel is important.

Meeting adjourned. 10:45 PM ###

Minutes approved on 11-30-04

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