Approved Minutes of the
September 12, 2012, WBAI LSB Meeting

Minutes for the regular WBAI LSB meeting September 12, 2012.

Meeting convened at 7:51 PM (ET) without a quorum being present, the Chair being present and the Secretary position being vacant.

Attending: Nia Bediako, Carolyn Birden, John Brinkley, Mitchel Cohen, Russell Dale, Andrea Fishman, Ray Laforest, Bob Lederer, R. Paul Martin, Shawn Rhodes, Manijeh Saba, Sharonne Salaam, Alex Steinberg.


  1. Approval of Agenda (20 minutes)
  2. Excused Absences
  3. Approval of minutes (10 minutes)
  4. Public Comments (15 minutes)
  5. Report from GM Evaluation Ad Hoc Committee (10 minutes)
  6. Waivers Committee report. (5 minutes)
  7. Written Report from Pacifica's interim Exec Director (10 minutes)
  8. Report from GM on plan to bring WBAI to sustainability (30 minutes)
  9. Programming Motions (10 minutes each)
  10. Treasurer's Report (5 minutes for report, 10 minutes for motions and discussion)
  11. PNB Report (15 minutes)
  12. Public Comments (15 minutes)
  13. Motions for information, re: alternatives to antenna location (10 minutes)
  14. Motions re: Search for Office Space (20 minutes)
  15. Premiums Motions (10 minutes)
  16. Vote on Executive Session at a future meeting (30 minutes)
  17. Adjourn no later than 9:35 PM

The Chair began the meeting in the absence of a quorum. There were objections. A call was made for an informal meeting.

Point of Order: (Andrea Fishman) We can't have motions without a quorum.

Point of Order: (Alex Steinberg) We can't have motions without a meeting and no quorum.

At 8:11 PM (ET) a 13th member showed up and the meeting achieved quorum.

Motion: (John Brinkley) “To adopt the following agenda:

  1. Approval of Agenda (20 minutes)
  2. Approval of minutes (10 minutes)
  3. Public Comments (15 minutes)
  4. Report from GM Evaluation Ad Hoc Committee (10 minutes)
  5. Waivers Committee report. (5 minutes)
  6. Written Report from Pacifica's interim Exec Director (10 minutes)
  7. Report from GM on plan to bring WBAI to sustainability (30 minutes)
  8. Programming Motions (10 minutes each)
  9. Treasurer's Report (5 minutes for report, 10 minutes for motions and discussion)
  10. PNB Report (15 minutes)
  11. Public Comments (15 minutes)
  12. Motions for information, re: alternatives to antenna location (10 minutes)
  13. Motions re: Search for Office Space (20 minutes)
  14. Premiums Motions (10 minutes)
  15. Executive Session (30 minutes): Time certain at 9:45 PM
  16. Adjourn public session no later than 9:35 PM” (passed as amended 7 for, 6 against)

The Chair noted that the meeting needed a Secretary pro tem. R. Paul Martin agreed to be the Secretary pro tem for this meeting.

Amendment: (Nia Bediako) “To move 'Excused absences' to before 'Approval of minutes.'” (Passed without objection)

The Chair noted that the LSB has received a written resignation from Camille Yarbrough. Sharonne Salaam being the next runner up from the 2010, election she was seated.

Amendment: (Bob Lederer) “That items 13 and 14 be combined to one motion re: 'Moving studios and antenna' and be #9 for 45 minutes.”

Amendment: (Andrea Fishman) “To replace #16 with a vote on an executive session at a future meeting.” (Passed without objection)

Motion: (John Brinkley) “To divide the amendment by Bob Lederer.” (Passed automatically)

During the vote on the motion a member changed her vote.

Point of Order: (Bob Lederer) The member cannot change her vote.

The Chair ruled that the member could change her vote since the result had not been announced yet.

Motion: (Bob Lederer) “Appeal the ruling of the Chair.” (Chair upheld 6 for, 6 against)

Divided Motion: “That items 13 and 14 be combined to motion re: 'Moving studios and antenna.'” (failed 6 for, 6 against) “and be #9 for 45 minutes.” (failed 6 for, 6 against)

Approval of minutes 8:41 PM (ET)

There were no minutes offered for approval.

Excused Absences 8:41 PM (ET)

Motion: “To excuse the absences of Suzanne Adely, Elizabeth Brown, Stephen Brown, Janet Coleman, Kathy Davis, Betty Dopson, Seth Goldberg, Lawrence Lucas, Teresa Palmer, Daniel Vila and Bernard White.” (Passed 9 for, 3 against)

Public Comments 8:46 PM (ET)

Members of the public made comments.

Report from GM Evaluation Ad Hoc Committee 9:03 PM (ET)

Committee Chair Manijeh Saba gave a written report and read it. The LSB discussed the report.

Motion: (Andrea Fishman) “To extend the time for this item by 10 minutes.” (Passed 9 for, 3 against)

The report continued at 9:15 PM (ET).

Motion: “To extend the time for the GM Evaluation Ad Hoc Committee to the end of December.”

At 9:30 PM (ET) time was called for the meeting.

Motion: (Andrea Fishman) “To extend the time for 25 minutes, to be apportioned 10 minutes for this item and 15 minutes for public comment.” (Passed 9 for, 3 against)

Amendment: (Andrea Fishman) “That the GM Evaluation Ad Hoc Committee make its recommendations by the October 10, 2012, LSB meeting.” (Passed 6 for, 5 against)

Amendment: (Russell Dale) “The committee will report in writing and the report will be itemized including who will be questioned, what the questions will be and who will ask the questions.” (Passed 8 for, 2 against)

Motion as amended: “To extend the time for the GM Evaluation Ad Hoc Committee and that the committee make its recommendations by the October 10, 2012, LSB meeting. The committee will report in writing and the report will be itemized including who will be questioned, what the questions will be and who will ask the questions.” (Passed without objection)

At 9:50 PM the Chair stepped down and the Vice Chair took the chair.

Public Comments 9:50 PM (ET)

Members of the public made comments.

Meeting adjourned at 10:02 PM (ET)

Submitted by R. Paul Martin, Secretary pro tem.

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