Report from Carolyn Birden,
Chair of the WBAI LSB Management Search Committee (MSC)

The WBAI LSB Management Search Committee met on February 24th and spent most of the meeting listening to and questioning the HR Director, Ahmad Anderson, who answered questions and explained the process going forward.

The WBAI LSB MSC has since been notified that the revised deadline for applications to the Pacifica Foundation search for four new general managers is April 26, 2010. Once all resumes have been received, the committee will begin reviewing them and begin the process for recommending candidates to the Executive Director. The HR director is collecting signed agreements to the confidentiality requirements for members of the committee, required before any members can view or discuss resumes of applicants.

Members of Pacifica search committees will also be required to undergo a training process on line, a Performance Management / Maximizing Employee Performance program, in the near future.

On February 24th the MSC voted to implement attendance requirements for committee members: members with two consecutive unexcused absences, with requests for excuses absences being sent to the chair, will be replaced by alternates or, if there are none remaining, by the LSB.

Regarding the advertisement for General Managers at Pacifica, the HR director requested recommendations for any venues not listed in his report be sent to him directly or through the committee: so far only one member of the committee has added a suggested local venue to him. Costs for the more expensive venues, including The Nation, The Progressive, The L.A. Times, and The New York Times, will be amortized among the four stations. Individuals are encouraged to use their personal and professional networks to advertise the search for a general manager.

Immediate tasks remaining are to:

1. write a protocol for reading applications;

2. create a protocol for notifying and interviewing by telephone and in person suitable applicants;

3. implement the interviewing process to begin after April 26; and

5. recommend a list of two or more applicants to the Executive Director.

The committee has not set a meeting date for March, but will be surveyed for available dates. Meetings will remain open to all members until we begin examining applications.

The website for the committee is . Note that this list is a read-only list for nonmembers; only members of the committee can post to it.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Birden
March 10, 2010

Members of the Management Search Committee:
Baruti Bediako (listener delegate)
Carolyn Birden (listener delegate)
Delphine Blue (staff delegate)
Steve Brown (listener delegate)
Omowale Clay (listener delegate)
Janet Coleman (staff delegate)
Bob Goldberg (listener delegate)
Vajra Kilgour (staff delegate)
Frank LeFever (listener delegate)
Marquez Osson (staff delegate)
Shawn Rhodes (staff delegate)
Max Schmid (staff delegate)

(Linda Zises, staff alternate)
(Donna Niemann, alternate)
(Manijeh Saba, alternate)

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