Why the WBAI Management Search Committee Persists

WBAI LSB member, and FoB, Nia Bediako attempted to destroy the WBAI Management Search Committee, and erase its work, by claiming that it had been dissolved when it wasn't. The arguments presented below were used to refute her claims.

1) The Management Search Committee is a special committee.

2) We are not having a convention.

3) We are not having an annual meeting.

4) By precedent similar committees in the past have continued to exist after December LSB meetings.

From the above one should conclude that the Management Search Committee persists. The rule regarding dissolution of special committees does not apply.

This all hinges on whether or not the LSB has an “annual meeting.”

The bylaws do say that the PNB has an annual meeting, bylaws Article Six, Section 1. The bylaws never use the same language for the LSBs.

The bylaws state in bylaws Article One, Section 3.B, “The Delegates for each radio station shall meet annually in early January to elect four Directors to represent that radio station on the Board,” and in Article Seven, Section 5, “Each Local Station Board shall elect a Chair, a Vice-Chair, a Recording Secretary, and a Treasurer, who shall be elected annually at the December meeting.”

A cursory reading might leave one with the impression that these are “annual meetings,” but then you have to look at other parts of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised to see that this is not the case.

Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised says regarding a bylaws requirement of a special meeting that, “In a separate section it should be provided that ‘The regular meeting [specifying which one, as “On the last Tuesday in May”] shall be known as the annual meeting.’” [RONR (10th ed. p. 558, l. 12-14.]

And Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised also gives an example of how such a provision would look in bylaws, “Section 2. Annual Meetings. The regular meeting on the second Tuesday in April shall be known as the annual meeting ....” [RONR (10th ed.) p. 567, l. 31-33.] There is no such provision for LSBs in the Pacifica bylaws.

Furthermore, because there is a provision for annual meetings for the PNB in Article Six, Section 1 the absence of such a provision for the LSBs in the bylaws means that the LSBs do not have an annual meting.


At the January 5, 2005, LSB meeting a motion was passed creating a General Manager Search Committee, which also got called the General Manager Search Subcommittee. On July 11, 2005, the LSB voted to also assign “To the General Manager Search Subcommittee the responsibility to screen and select a candidate or candidates for the position of Interim General Manager.”

This committee tendered its final report via E-mail on December 29, 2007.

This previous committee continued to operate after the officer elections of December 2005, December 2006, and December 2007. To say that the current Management Search Committee must now dissolve because officers have been elected flies in the face of precedent, which was established by the FoBs faction itself.

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