Web links related to the Back of the Book program of March 23rd, 1998

WBAI related links

WBAI Listeners' Web page

Free Pacifica Web site

Union bulletin #10

WBAI Management's official Web site

The guy who says that you too can live forever!

The on line magazine Yahoo! Internet Life is worth a bookmark.

That imbecile with the anti-gay Web site.

Asteroid 1997 FX11

New York Times on asteroid 1997 FX11.

Animated GIF of the asteroid

A page from the folks who discovered the asteroid.

The Spacewatch project at Kitt Peak's page on the asteroid.

Ronald L. Rivest's page about his new data scrambling theory.

Iomega ZIP drives & "click death"

News item on ZIP drive click death in Yahoo! Internet Life.

C|NET News story on Iomega ZIP drive "click death."

Unofficial Iomega "Click Death" Web site

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