Web links related to the Back of the Book program of June 4, 2007
Update: it's Wednesday, 6/6/2007 15:51:47 and I've put in the address of the next LSB meeting and the revised 'thon tally. T'ain't a fit night out for man nor beast! But we'll be there. And we plan to get to the below topics and more tonight. We may also get through all of the outstanding mail tonight, too. We'll see about the mail.
The next WBAI Local Station Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 26, 2007, at 7:00 PM, at the Harlem State Office Building, 163 W. 125th St., between 7th and 8th Aves. in Manhattan. Note: all attendees must show picture ID in order to enter the building and must go through a metal detector and have all bags searched by the security guards. Public participation is welcome.
Did you know that I've got a brief synopsis of some of the WBAI LSB meetings? Well, I do. And I update them from time to time. And here's a link to the video of the March 21, 2007, WBAI LSB meeting.
The May 31st, 2007, WBAI LSB meeting was not as bad as some. It had the usual faction sycophant denouncing us, and many of the other overnight programs on WBAI, for not having premiums.
WBAI has a program schedule up on its Web site. The site has gotten many of the individual program pages together to provide links and such, so check it out.
WBAI has an official Web stream of what's on the air at any time! You can go here and pick which type of stream you want! If this stream isn't working let me know. It was working all right at 8:51 PM (ET) last night.
The Pacifica Foundation, which owns WBAI, has something called the Pacifica Lounge where you can post messages about Pacifica, WBAI and other Pacifica radio stations. This may be a good thing, and of course there are other, long term fora in which to participate.
WBAI also has a forum on its Web site now. You have to register to post messages, but anyone may read the messages.
WBAI is archiving the programs! Just go here and you'll be able to listen to the program any time for the next couple of weeks. Unfortunately, Back of the Book is not one of the programs that you can download, you can only listen to it on line. But maybe someone will change that at some point. NOTE: The archives have not always been behaving properly of late. They have been fixed, but we can't guarantee their condition. If Back of the Book isn't archived this time I'll post an archive myself. Also note that they have been calling the Back of the Book archive the Carrier Wave archive. You should go by the date of the program until this gets rectified, or just listen to both programs in this time slot!
We'd like to thank everyone who pledged or who has already donated to WBAI during our pitching shift two weeks ago on Back of the Book. We made $1,425. That's all right for us. Unfortunately, WBAI only made about $678,000 for the entire 'thon. Update: the final 'thon tally has been revised downward. The final tally is now officially $637,026. That's quite a bit short of the goal. There's a Finance Committee meeting this coming Tuesday night at WBAI and part of the meeting notice says, “... from 7-8 PM, there will be an executive session for LSB members and the Treasurer only to compare the station's actual staffing with the approved budget,” so it's possible that there are going to be some layoffs in the coming months.
Well we didn't get to it on the last program because we had to pitch, but this time I want to talk a bit about the biggest supernova explosion ever seen by astronomers, and what may be some new evidence of the presence and behavior of cold, dark matter.
Cindy Sheehan has quit the whatever it's called movement. She's posted her official statement about it all here.
She's right. What's sometimes referred to as the American Left is very nasty much of the time. Just look at the stuff that happens at WBAI from the likes of the faction currently in charge. Lots of egos and old agendas centered on promoting the policies of the Soviet Union make what some like to call the American Left a big mess that doesn't get anything done.
Luckily, when the gay liberation movement was starting out both the left wing and the right wing reviled gay people and so we didn't have the yoke of the “Left” around our necks as we tried to get thigns done. And it's not a mere coincidence that we did get things done.
There are a lot of issues that are considered hazardous to talk about on the air at WBAI, even now that the gag rule has been lifted. However, there is the Internet! There are mailing lists which you can subscribe to and Web based message boards devoted to WBAI and Pacifica issues. Many controversial WBAI/Pacifica issues are discussed on these lists.
Probably the most popular list that's sprung up is the “NewPacifica” mailing list. This one is very lively and currently includes over 660 subscribers coast to coast.
Being lively, of course, it sometimes also gets a bit nasty. All sorts of things are happening on this list and official announcements are frequently posted there.
You can look at the NewPacifica list here, and you can join the list from that Web page too. If you subscribe to the “NewPacifica” mailing list you will receive, via E-mail, all of the messages which are sent to that list.
There is the option to receive a “digest” version of the list, which means that a bunch of messages are bundled into one E-mail and sent to you at regular intervals, this cuts down on the number of E-mails you get from the list. You will also be able to send messages to the list.
This list also has a Web based interface where you can read messages and from which you can post your own messages.
There is also the more WBAI specific “Goodlight” Web based message board. It is sometimes referred to on Back of the Book as “the bleepin' blue board,” owing to the blue background used on its Web pages. This one has many people posting anonymously and there's also an ancillary “WBAI people” board that's just totally out of hand.
When the computer in Master Control is working we sometimes have live interaction with people posting on the “Goodlight Board” during the program.
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The contents of this Web page are copyright © 2007, R. Paul Martin.