It's currently Sunday, 11/19/2000 19:01:22, and I think this page is finished. I didn't get to any mail on the program. Next time for sure. I've added the Amy Goodman interview with Bill Clinton to the page and just a few more links. As I finalize this Web page the election results are still up in the air, although I think that it will be all over in another couple of days. I suspect that posterity will refer to what we're all going through now as “The Stolen election of Two Thousand.” We live in interesting times.
WBAI was not being Web cast when I checked it out at 9:41 PM last night. Maybe by the time we get on the air they'll be back on line and you'll be able to hear the Web cast from
All sorts of things are going on with the Pacifica Foundation, which owns WBAI. They're even after Amy Goodman and Democracy Now! There's also a meeting happening Monday night, November 19th, by what seems to maybe be a new listeners' group. Find out all about it on my Pacifica theft page.
There's a new World Chess Champion. Vladimir Kramnik beat Gary Kasparov in a short match in England. So the World Chess Champion is Kramnik, or Anatoly Karpov, or Alexander Khalifman, or Deeper Blue or maybe even Bobby Fischer! Arguments can be made for each of these. get the idea that the World chess championship has become a somewhat messy institution?
So you think you've got nasty relatives? This kid's grandma tried to sell him for his organs! This certainly is a counter argument to the idea that's embedded in law in the U.S. that adults essentially own children.
Right wing Congressional candidate Jeffrey Pollack used to be very bullish for mandatory content filtering on line. That is until he found that the filtering software was blocking his web site!
Of course the big story is this stuff about the election that's not finished yet. Hell, I think Americans have the right to have their votes counted. What's more fundamental to democracy than that?
The Palm Beach, Florida ballot is a joke. What the hell is anyone doing using paper ballots in the year 2000?
Dan Bricklen knows a lot about how humans deal with designs. He doesn't think much of the “butterfly ballot”.
Bush's 288 vote lead is only 0.0049% of the almost 6 million ballots cast. And Bush is complaining about gore not conceding!
As I said on the air, Amy Goodman got to have a sudden interview with President Bill Clinton, live on the air on November 7th. Here's a transcript of that interview with a link to the audio.
Steve Allen died over this past fortnight. I used to watch his late night TV shows when I was supposed to be too young to stay up for them. Unfortunately, he recently allowed himself to be a part of a group that took out full page newspaper ads that went on about “decency” on TV. This group has had some things to say in the past that certainly seem to preclude anything good about gay people on the air. And condemning “unmarried sex situations” and “perversion” on TV certainly sounds like it takes in gay people. Oh well, too bad.
There are a lot of issues that we can't talk about on the air at WBAI. But there is an Internet list called “Free Pacifica!” which you can subscribe to, and these issues are discussed there. If you subscribe to it you will receive, via E-mail, all of the messages which are sent to that list. You will also be able to send messages to the list.
If you want to subscribe to the “Free Pacifica!” list just click on this link and follow the instructions, and you'll be subscribed. Could open your eyes a little bit.
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