Sunday, May 7, 1995 Back of the Book In a special gustatorial segment live from the WBAI canteen, French chef Merde Zut prepares his famed Gastrocide Surprise which features 143 different types of bacteria and is the only prepared food certified as a roach repellent, and as we all know killing roaches is one thing but disgusting them is entirely another. Members of the RepubliNazi majority in Congress reveal a new legislative drive designed to deal with the issue of poverty in America -- called Screw 'Em We're Rich, it outlines a new air tax and provides for Constitutional rights on the basis of capital gains in the previous fiscal year. We should also be begging you for bucks during this program, and we hope you help keep us on the air. Free Form Live Radio by R. Paul Martin.
Sunday, May 21, 1995 Back of the Book In a legal segment, Ennui The Hedgehog interviews attorney Bilious T. Slugbladder who is offering his services for people who are interested in suing the universe because they are idiots. Mr. Slugbladder is known for suing people's ancient ancestors for having passed defective genes on to their modern great-great-grand progeny. In a philosophical segment Hector and Anvil interview Mr. Abstemious Gulosity who gives lectures on following the middle path by being an extremist. Itchy T. Echidna presents a profile of Little Squishy who is currently wanted by authorities for illegal carnal knowledge of an Idaho potato. Claiming that he'd mistaken it for an eastern potato Little Squishy vows to remain on the lamb because he's given up legumes all together. Free Form Live Radio by R. Paul Martin.
Sunday, June 4, 1995 Back of the Book It is now Gay & Lesbian & (your host hopes) Bisexual Pride Month. Your host's 1994, Spring Offensive is definitely under way now and he should be finding a significant other sometime before the snow starts to fall, or at least before it starts to get really heavy. In a religious segment Pope Weaselpenis XVI presents the case for canonization of Arbogast the Crummy, who is alleged to have performed a number of miracles including the levitation of one church's petty cash accounts. Cardinal Toxic opposes sainthood for Arbogast because of his opposition to the dogma of virgin birth on the basis of his having gotten it on with the Blessed Virgin when she appeared to him. "If she'll do it with me, she'll do it with anybody," he claimed. Free Form Live Radio by R. Paul Martin.
Sunday, June 18, 1995 Back of the Book In one more week it will be Gay & Lesbian & Bisexual Pride weekend. Your bisexual host will undoubtedly go on about how he was in the first Christopher Street Liberation Day march twenty five years ago, and how it's all changed and the conservatives in the movement have taken over, and then there's them whippersnappers. There will be talk about the movement of 25 years ago, friends and enemies gone, bisexuality, the Gay Activists Alliance and whatever the big controversy is about THIS year's march and rally. Hear about a quarter of a century of pissing off others in the movement. Find out what "The Trucks" used to mean and hear tales of what it was like to wear a "Gay power" button for more than 14 years. Free Form Live Radio by R. Paul Martin.
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