Sunday, June 5, 1994, Back of the Book And are they excising us from the Folio again? Is your host's Spring Offensive happening? No, it has nothing to do with odor. He's supposed to be seeking what is now referred to as a significant other. Has your horny host succeeded? Is he still hiding under the covers? Alone? With Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Pride month happening, and the twenty fifth anniversary of the Stonewall Riots coming up some predict that he will meet some nice bisexual woman - from Idaho! Is your host destined to succumb to the latent virginity which may be lurking in his psyche? Hector and Anvil cover the shocking aftermath of the Great Disaster of '94, when some of your host's old underwear escaped and stampeded through the streets of New York. Free Form Live Radio by R. Paul Martin.
Sunday, June 19, 1994, Back of the Book Your ancient gay activist host, who spent more time in the militant Gay Activists Alliance than anyone else in the universe, will undoubtedly go on about the old days. It’s Gay & Lesbian Pride Month, and the Stonewall 25 celebrations are under way. Your host was in the gay liberation movement 24 years ago, and will talk about the old days and how things have gotten taken over by the conservatives. Undoubtedly, his bisexuality will get discussed, along with his relapse into virginity because his bisexuality hasn’t happened in years. Besides castigation of conservatives, politicians and whippersnappers you’ll also hear tales of early gay liberation movement actions from someone who was there. Free Form Live Radio by R. Paul Martin.
Sunday, July 3, 1994, Back of the Book In a metaphysical/political segment Ennui the Hedgehog presents an exclusive interview with the late un-indicted co-conspirator Richard M. Nixon. Nixon talks about his new position as Military Governor of Hell where he’s united with his beloved Silent Majority. The dead president is joined by Ronald Reagan who reveals for the first time how he’s able to walk around and talk despite having been dead for years. Reagan talks about the wacky adventures which resulted from his having been dead all through his entire presidency, and what it was like being the first dead person elected, "I was concerned because the dead weren't allowed to vote, except in Chicago." He outlines his Constitutional amendment which would allow all of the dead to vote. In a surprise appearance the late Salvador Allende confronts his murderer, Richard Nixon. Free Form Live Radio by R. Paul Martin.
Sunday, July 17, 1994, Back of the Book Itchy T. Echidna profiles Dr. Leonard Jockitch, famous for having gotten his degree from a Cracker Jack box, and his theories about sun people and ice people, and how it's discriminatory that the sun people have to negotiate with the ice people in order to get ice for their drinks. In an Ecumenical Real Estate segment Pope Weaselpenis XVI shows slides of the land he is selling to the faithful in the Heaven Annex. "Of course there are alligators in he Heaven Annex," says the Profitable Pontiff, "and if it's a little hot and wet, well, it's still just as holy as the rest of Heaven." He announces that Cardinal Toxic will be in charge of sanitation for the development. Dissident Faithful assert that the Cardinal is unqualified for the position due to his flatulence. Toxic fumes. Free Form Live Radio by R. Paul Martin.
Sunday, July 31, 1994, Back of the Book The middle of Summer, everyone's sweating by now, and your host is still hoping that his Spring Offensive will start soon. Hector and Anvil interview Mr. Weenieface who owns the first commercial dust bunny ranch. The ranch serves as a clearing center devoted to breeding superior dust bunnies. Wranglers show how they herd the dust bunnies, and train them to bunch up in spaces under beds and bureaus. Garbage rights activists picket the ranch protesting the branding of the dust bunnies, and what they allege is mistreatment by the wranglers. In a timber segment, French Chef Merde Zut, who believes in safe sex with specific kitchen help, gives his recipe for hand maid log jam, the only dessert that provides its own toothpicks. Free Form Live Radio by R. Paul Martin.
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