November & December 1996, Folio copy

Sunday, November 3, 1996, Back of the Book In an infomercial health segment Itchy T. Echidna interviews a curiously familiar Doctor Bilious T. Slugbladder Ph.D. who, as part of his work release program, is pushing his latest health invention: The All- Juice Diet. Along with his extremely expensive series of books titled "Curing Everything You've Ever Gotten And Preventing Everything You've Ever Heard Of" the plea bargaining Doctor/Attorney/Guru is also pushing his revolutionary Super Juicer for a mere $150 more than he's already gouged you for on the books. Patrons of the video portion of our program will see that the juicer consists of two blocks of wood with instructions for the placing of the to-be-juiced object between them and application of Block A to Block B. The Dippy Doc is enthusiastic about tobacco juice made from politically correct Cuban cigars. Free Form Live Radio by R. Paul Martin. (

Sunday, November 17, 1996, Back of the Book It was merely four seasons ago when the video-serial portion of our program "The Deadly Cult of the Tocks Tap" aired, and began its insidious conversion to reality. Our hero Little Squishy has been attempting to alert the nation to the effect the cult's removal of part of the electromagnetic spectrum would have. But it's hard for people to figure out what would happen if the tocks were removed from every tick-tock of time. So Little Squishy is using his special word processor program that has the added feature of making his ink-jet printer spray ink all over the place, but he's finally found the command Do-Undo INKSLOB. Will this be enough to let people know what's going on? If not, you may never know. Free Form Live Radio by R. Paul Martin. (

Sunday, December 1, 1996, Back of the Book Well, who knows what will happen next month? So let's make the most of this one. Your host is probably depressed as usual, now that it's dark all the damned time, and it doesn't take a swami to predict that the 1994, Spring Offensive (for him to find a Significant Other) is still ongoing and as successful (!) as ever. Never mindful of the season, The Deadly Cult of the Tocks Tap is now attempting to journey back in time to prevent those bits of history that it finds inconvenient. Will Little Squishy's parents be interrupted at a crucial moment? Are any Charters going to be de-written? Perhaps the cult will stop attacking when it says it's retreating. Free Form Live Radio by R. Paul Martin. (

Sunday, December 15, 1996, Back of the Book Preparations for the filthy, stinking holiday season are underway everywhere, and at the WBAI canteen there are reindeer on the walls and fat guys in red suits saying "Ho-Ho-Ho" all over the place. Of course those are actually chunks of reindeer embedded in the walls, the unfortunate results of some of WBAI's French Chef Merde Zut's "Northern Surprise" gustatorial experiment a few years back when fusion reactors were used in an attempt to generate the aurora borealis. Those guys in the red suits are the HAZ-MAT team attempting to decontaminate the WBAI canteen from the latest disastrous holiday serving of elf hams marinated in a Management sauce. Your non-theist host will attempt to get through all of this superstition without knocking over any Xmas trees. Free Form Live Radio by R. Paul Martin. (

Sunday, December 29, 1996, Back of the Book In two more days your host will take his annual shower, which he takes whether he needs it or not. This is, of course, considered excessive by the WBAI Hygiene Dept. As we type this in we don't know what changes may take place in January. Will the Deadly Cult of the Tocks Tap triumph? Will Little Squishy disappear down a memory hole? Hector and Anvil interview a Chef Slugbladder who is plugging his new dessert craze -- chocolate covered cabbage. Pope Weaselpenis XVI talks to Santa Claus about their plans to be co-keynote speakers at the next NAM/BLA conference. When questioned by a journalist about the age of the youngest person he's ever had sex with Santa replies 212 inkslob. Free Form Live Radio by R. Paul Martin. (

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