Sunday, October 8, 1995, Back of the Book Using his mystical powers, Pope Weaselpenis XVI Issues a Papal Bull about the imposter who gave a show in Giants Stadium thereby angering permanent resident Jimmy Hoffa. On the video portion of our program we begin our new Autumn Serial "The Deadly Cult of the Tocks Tap!" We watch as our hero Little Squishy discovers the plot to go back in time and feed absolutely everything into the Lotusland Mediocrity device. Free Form Live Radio by R. Paul Martin.
Sunday, October 22, 1995, Back of the Book In the video portion of this program we continue our serial "The Deadly Cult of the Tocks Tap!" Little Squishy discovers that the Lotusland Mediocrity device allows the cult members to steal half of every instant of time, leaving only the ticks, which share their parasitic tendencies with the cult. Your host continues his hopeless search for a girlfriend. Free Form Live Radio by R. Paul Martin.
Sunday, November 5, 1995, Back of the Book This is the month when your host's depression turns him into a turnip with a pulse. He will report on the (inevitable) failure to date of his 1994 Spring Offensive to find a significant other. For the video portion of this program we continue our serial "The Deadly Cult of the Tocks Tap!" In a thrilling Porsche episode Little Squishy barely escapes death under the wheels of the Orthomobile, which is constructed from the bones of the victims of the eponymous leader of the Tocks Tap cult. Free Form Live Radio by R. Paul Martin.
Sunday, November 19, 1995, Back of the Book Pope Weaselpenis XVI reports on his exorcism of the demonic spirits of recently murdered turkeys who have taken over several members of the RepubliNazi Party and are now ruling the nation because very few people can see any differences in the behaviors of the politicians. Our serial "The Deadly Cult of the Tocks Tap!" continues with hero Little Squishy in quite a pickle. The deadly Lotusland Mediocrity device has been positioned to eliminate the entire electromagnetic spectrum, and that includes Little Squishy! Will he ever get out of it? Free Form Live Radio by R. Paul Martin.
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