Who? What? When? Where? Why?
A newsletter about some things happening at WBAI. July 18, 2005
Presented by R. Paul Martin as an individual producer. Vol. 2 No. 5
three lines
Lee Ryan

Lee Ryan was a long time, low profile producer at WBAI. He had been a contributor to WBAI's gay programming for 20 years and had been doing a feature called Only In New York, first as a stand alone program and then as a part of Cosmik Debris.

Lee died, probably of a heart attack or stroke, in early June.

A memorial was held for Lee in June at his favorite bar McHale's. Attending were family, co-workers and some WBAI friends of Lee's. A bottle of his favorite vodka was on the table next to his photograph. Lee would have heartily approved.

Local Station Board Meeting
May 25, 2005

This meeting started off with the Chair trying to prevent a member from proposing an agenda item. Of course members have this right, afer a while the Chair relented and allowed the member her rights.

The LSB welcomed Indra Hardat as interim General Manager (iGM) and an ex officio member of the LSB.

The faction currently in charge voted to keep out of the April 13, meeting's minutes my question to the previous GM about how a projected $300,000 in WBAI's bank account became $172,545 in reality.

During the public comment session people decried the firing of Robert Knight. One listener suggested that his firing be rescinded to give the iGM a chance to evaluate the situation. He then suggested that all midnight decisions of outgoing Management be rescinded so that the iGM can evaluate them.

It should be mentioned that last November the LSB passed a motion asking GM Don Rojas to refrain from last minute hirings and firings before leaving. However when the faction currently in charge gained a majority in the LSB elections they rescinded that request. And so the use of position to

exact revenge continues at WBAI.

Other Staff and listeners asked why Earthwatch, Knight's unpaid, late night program, was taken off the air by the Program Director, and asked for it to be returned.

A proposal was brought to have an LSB report aired monthly, a recording of which would be aired to preempt some overnight programming. This proposal to repeat the 2 hour reports at a time when the least number of people are listening came from a faction member who masquerades as a Staff rep. on the LSB.

During her report the iGM noted how polarized the LSB is. She announced that the ‘thon then ongoing would be extended a week, and said she didn't think it'd make its $1.1 million goal. This was noteworthy because her predecessor never allowed reality to interfere with his self serving spin on anything like this. She also noted that although the ‘thons are usually set to go for 18 days we've never made the goal in 18 days for as far back as she can remember. She said she'd try to find out why the ‘thon was not making enough money.

And then just to illustrate how polarized things are, one faction leader started to tell a little fib about other LSB members.

One of those yelled out, “Bullshit!” This caused a big commotion with the faction majority moving that the non-faction member's name be put in the minutes as punishment. Two other LSB members asked to have their names added to the motion because in their opinion what the faction leader said really was bullshit. Their names were added to the minutes.

The iGM, responding to questions, said: that we have to accept reality and we can't just keep extending ‘thons when they fail; that we need a Development Director; that Staff morale needed to be boosted, and that the PNB had just concluded an audit of WBAI including consultants for the last 3 years.

One LSB member's question about whether or not the iGM would consider a change in the office of Program Director if listeners were not happy with the programming was rapidly ruled out of order by the Chair.

Page Two of this newsletter

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