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         See also Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, 223 NLRB 251 (1976) (interns, residents and 

clinical fellows not employees under the Act) where the Board stated:

             Althoug, under the common law,
             consideration for the services
             performed does not appear to have
             been a sine qua non of establishing
             the master-servant relationship, it
             is generally conceded, today, that
             such consideration is necessary for
             classification as an "employee."
             So that the conventional meaning of
             the word implies someone who works
             or performs a service for another
             from whom he or she receives compensation.")
             (Member Fanning, dissenting).

         Recently, in N.L.R.B. v. Town & Country Electric, 116 S.Ct. 450 (1995), the Supreme

Court had occasion to discuss the meaning of the term "employee," when it affirmed the Board's 

determination that paid union organizers were employees within the meaning of the Act.

         The Court noted:

             The ordinary dictionary definition
             of "employee" includes any "person
             who works for another in return for
             financial or other compensation."
             American Heritage Dictionary 604
             (3d ed. 1992).  See also Black's Law
             Dictionary 525 (6th ed. 1990) (-an
             employee is a "person in the
             service of another under any
             contract of hire, express or
             implied, oral or written, where the
             employer has the power or right to
             control and direct the employee in
             the material details of how the
             work is to be performed.")

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