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id. at 453-54 (emphasis added).(5)

         The Court further found, "It is fairly easy to find statements to the effect that an

'employee' simply 'means someone who works for another for hire,' H.R. Rep. No. 245, 80th Cong.,

1st Sess., 18 (1947), and includes 'every man on a payroll.' 79 Cong.  Rec. 9686 (1935)

(colloquy between Reps.  Taylor and Connery)," Id. at 454.

         The Board, in Town & Country Electric 309 NLRB 1250, 1253 (1992), related the following

in discussing the definition of the term "employee":

            "Employee" commonly refers to
            individuals "employed by another,"
            "under wages or salary" without
            reference to any requirement that
            they be emoloyed by only a single
            employer.  Similarly, a standard
            legal definition of "employee"
            encompasses any "person in the
            service of another under any con-
            tract of hire, express or implied,
            oral or written, where the employer
            has the power or right to control
            the employee in the material
            details of how the work is to be
            performed," without reference to,
            or proscription of, dual employment.
            Black's Law Dictionary 471
            (rev. 5th ed. 1979).  As long as
            union organizers employed by or
            seeking work with an employer do so
            for wages in return for assigned
            work, they meet the standard


         5    "Hire" means "the price or compensation paid or contracted to be given for the use
of anything, or paid for personal services; wages; rent." "For hire, or hire" connotes
"available for work or use in return for payment."  Webster's Dictionary 862 (2d ed. 1960).
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