WBAI LSB Meeting — April 15, 2004
This fifth WBAI Local Station Board (LSB) meeting was held on Thursday, April 15, 2004, at 6:30 PM at the Musician's Union, 322 West 48th St. in Manhattan.. This is not an official Web page of the LSB.
Oh, this was a fun one. We spent around an hour on a big argument about whether or not a member wasn't there could “attend” the meeting and vote over the phone. And after that we had a debate centering around whether or not he was really there! It's all in my newsletter to the WBAI Staff.
We did manage to partially fulfill our mandate from the Pacifica National Board to elect LSB members to some PNB committees.
A copy of the official minutes of this meeting is here.
You can listen to the audio of this meeting here.
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