This will be our annual Christopher Street Liberation Day March program. Pickles of the North and R. Paul went to the march his past Sunday and we'll talk about it. R. Paul will talk about the past, as well. We also plan to talk about some other things, and we may even get to some mail on this radio program. I'm hoping to update this page at some point, so check in and see if I do.
Did you know that I've got a brief synopsis of some of the WBAI LSB meetings?
The LSB met on Wednesday, June 13, 2018. I made a written Treasurer's Report for that meeting, and was able to actually give a verbal one as well. You can read the written Treasurer's Report for June 13, 2018.
I have also posted a whole lot of the minutes of the Pacifica National Finance Committee. I'm a member of that committee because I'm the WBAI LSB Treasurer.
The next WBAI LSB meeting is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, July 11, at a location to be announced. The meeting is supposed to start at 7:00 PM.
Some years ago the WBAI LSB voted to hold its regular meetings on the second Wednesday of every month, subject to change by the LSB, which gives us the following schedule:
All of these meetings are set to begin at 7:00 PM.
WBAI has a program schedule up on its Web site. The site has gotten many of the individual program pages together to provide links and such, so check it out.
Here is WBAI's current Internet stream. We can no longer tell if the stream is working without testing every possible stream. Good luck.
WBAI is archiving the programs! WBAI has permanently switched to yet another new archive Web page! This one is more baffling than the previous one. We have to put archive blurb copy in before the program airs. The person in charge of the WBAI Web site says, “If you fail to create a playlist, your show may not show up in the archives at all.” So we made an archive blurb long before the program.
This is a link to the latest version of the official WBAI archive To get to this program you'll have to click on the drop-down menu, which says “Display,” and find Back of the Book on that menu. We're pretty early in the list, so it shouldn't be too difficult. Once you find the program name click “GO” and you'll see a list of programs, most of which are Back of the Book programs. Good luck.
Since the General Manager has banned Sidney Smith from WBAI there's no telling what's on in the alternate week's time slot anymore.
Things have improved this year on the PNB. I'll be trying to update my pages about all of this in the near future.
Our friend, fellow WBAI producer and Saddle Pal Uncle Sidney Smith has been banned from WBAI by General Manager Berthold Reimers. The General Manager will not say why. He won't even tell Sidney why he's banned! This is grossly unfair to Sidney and constitutes abuse of Staff. Why did Berthold ban Sidney?
There's a posting here about it. More to come.
The 49th annual Christopher Street Liberation Day March was held last Sunday, June 24, 2018, and Pickles of the North and I were glad to be there. We had been concerned that with the new way that Heritage of Pride, the group that runs the march these days,, was doing things that we might be excluded. It was touch and go for a while there, but we were able to march with the New York Area Bisexual Network again.
The Heritage of Pride folks initiated a new things this year, you had to wear a wrist band, that you had to pay for, in order to march! And they were limiting all groups to no more than 200 marchers. Well, we were concerned that we might not be able to march this year, with these kinds of restrictions. There no small amount of stress when I hear about this new feature of the march.
The march route was rather bizarre this year. The official step-off point started from 7th Ave. and W. 16th St. The route marched down 7th Ave. and then made a hairpin turn onto Christopher St., got onto W. 8th St. and then went up 5th Ave. to W. 29th St. I have to say that 5th Ave. and W. 29th St. does not have any kind of significance to the gay liberation movement, does that intersection have any relevance to anything gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, queer or other?
From what Heritage of Pride has written this year it appears that the 49th march was a dress rehearsal for the 50th march, which should happen next year. Heritage of Pride wants to cut down on the number of people marching! Sounds like they don't understand the real basis for having a march. The front of the march was jam packed with politicians, so maybe they think it's all about them. Well, on this program we plan to have a lot to say about this year's march.
We also will say a few things about past marches and other things from the days when gay liberation was in the streets and the conservatives were mostly hiding from us.
Recently updated Web pages: The June 16, 2018, program Web page.•
There are a lot of issues that are considered hazardous to talk about on the air at WBAI, even though the gag rule was lifted in 2002. However, there is the Internet! There are mailing lists which you can subscribe to and Web based message boards devoted to WBAI and Pacifica issues. Many controversial WBAI/Pacifica issues are discussed on these lists.
One open list is the WBAI specific “Goodlight” Web based message board. It is sometimes referred to on Back of the Book as “the bleepin' blue board,” owing to the blue background used on its Web pages. This one has many people posting anonymously and there's also an ancillary “WBAI people” board that's just totally out of hand. The bleepin' blue board had to add a step for folks to get onto it because it was under attack by spambots. When you click on the above link you may be asked for a username and password. Type in Username: poster Password: enternow
UPDATE: In of June 2012, I ended up having to salvage the bleepin' blue board, and so I'm the moderator on it now.
When the computer in Master Control is working we sometimes have live interaction with people posting on the “Goodlight Board” during the program.
Our very own Uncle Sidney Smith, whose program Saturday Morning With the Radio On used to alternate with us, has a blog these days. You can reach his blog here.
One formerly popular mailing list is the “NewPacifica” mailing list. Founded October 31, 2000, this list has been moribund for a couple of years due to de facto censorship by the group owner. As of February 2018, it had 696 subscribers coast to coast, but postings on it are very infrequent now.
Back in the day it sometimes also got a bit nasty. All sorts of things used to happen on this list and official announcements were frequently posted there.
You can look at the NewPacifica list here, and you can join the list from that Web page too. If you subscribe to the “NewPacifica” mailing list you will receive, via E-mail, all of the messages which are sent to that list.
There is the option to receive a “digest” version of the list, which means that a bunch of messages are bundled into one E-mail and sent to you at regular intervals, this cuts down on the number of E-mails you get from the list. You will also be able to send messages to the list.
This list also has a Web based interface where you can read messages and from which you can post your own messages.
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The contents of this Web page are copyright © 2018, R. Paul Martin.