R. Paul Martin meets Santa in 1951

R. Paul meets Santa 1951

Well, this one's pretty damned self-explanatory. A department store named Germaine's on 5th Avenue in Brooklyn used to be the big deal place to go in Park Slope for Xmas when I was a child. They actually had Santa Claus there!

Here I am reeling off my desires to Santa, who appears to be amused by the rather weird little kid he finds on his lap.

I'm dating this as being 1951, because I look like I'm into this. I would have been 4 years old in December 1951, and in 1952 I got clued in by other kids in kindergarten that Santa was a stinking fraud! I look different from that first grade photograph, so this must be either December 1951, or December 1952. I'm guessing it's the former.

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