R. Paul Martin's Photo Gallery

Since some folks are having a hard time finding the photographs I talk about on the air I've decided to make it very easy. Here are all of the personal photographs on this Web site.

Be forewarned, some of these are going to take a bit of time to download for those of you with slower connections. Also, to get back to this page you'll need to use the “Back” function of your browser. The pages which are accessed by these links are the original pages from the programs when I first put the photographs up, and they only link to that program's photographs.

Click on the thumbnail image below for the full sized photograph.

R. Paul in drag
at age 12
My father
in drag
Santa & R. Paul
R. Paul in
the First grade
RPM in drag at 12 the old man in drag rpm_and_santa_1951 rpm_first_grade.jpg
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After I posted the old photographs I received a number of requests to see more recent ones. I have decided to post the following relatively recent photograph of me. As an added bonus you also get a photograph of Pickles of the North!

Click on the thumbnail image below for the full sized photograph.

R. Paul Martin and Pickles of the North
R. Paul Martin & Pickles of the North
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Photographs of R. Paul Martin from decades ago.
Click on the thumbnail image below for the full sized photograph.
Little Hoodlum   Fire Chief   Coney Island July 1961
A 3 or 4 year old RPM dressed as a little hoodlum   RPM in his version of 'rosebud.'   RPM at 13, already a sexual being
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Here's that same Coney Island 1961, photograph as above, but it with more personal reminiscences about Coney Island attached to it.

Here's my male ex standing on the Prime Meridian, 0° longitude, in July, 1976, at the now defunct Royal Greenwich Observatory.

Here's a shot from Pickles of the North's birthday party in December 1998, with your host at his social best.

Here's a page of photographs I've put up in reaction to the furor stirred up by some sick, right wing idiots over some Calvin Klein ads that had little boys in them. It's scantily clad little RPM.

Here's a page with a photograph of me at the 1999, Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Pride rally held in Bryant Square Park. And here's another of me a week later at the march itself.

On January 18, 2006, Pickles of the North and I got married. To each other! Here are a couple of our wedding photographs. And here is another one.

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The contents of this Web page and subsequent Web pages on this site are copyright © 1996 - 2007, R. Paul Martin.